Parish Notices Sunday 9th September 2018
The Rector writes ‘Our worship each week is enriched by those who read the lessons and write and deliver the prayers of intercession.
It’s always lovely to have some other voices than just me! If you would like to join this team then please do come along to the Workshop that Richard and I will be running in St Mary’s Church from 10am –12pm on Saturday 22nd of this month. We will show you how best to prepare beforehand, when to come to the microphone, how you can be heard, the speed you should read at, how to begin and end the lessons (And if you feel that you would like to learn about how to construct and deliver the intercession prayers there will be training on that aspect of the Liturgy as well) Let me know if you’d like to attend so that I can have some idea of numbers (and you never know… there may be scones!)’
Monkstown Chamber Choir has returned to practice. New members are always welcome! Contact Organist & Choirmaster, Roger Ellis on 087 0539416.
MOTHERS’ UNION Communion Service 8pm Wednesday 19th September in St Mary’s Church. Calendars and cards will be available for purchase. All welcome to join us.
ST MARY’S INDOOR BOWLING CLUB 2018/19 SEASON-St. Mary’s Indoor Bowls Club has reopened and meets every Tuesday at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Irene McLoughlin 021 4377298 or Henry Forbes 087 2035000.
Monkstown home group will recommence on Tuesday 27th September at 8.00 at Suaimhneas, Upper Ardmore Passage West T12 X46N. We welcome existing and new members. For further details call John Sweeney on 087-0656290
NORTHRIDGE HOUSE at St Luke’s Charity Mahon, are running a 12 week programme for those wishing to become Professional Carers to the Older Adult. This programme includes QQI modules and other Mandatory Training and is free to those on Social Welfare Benefits. Places are strictly limited. The programme begins on 27th September with interviews on 13th September. Call Claire at 021.4536551 for further details.
GREEN ISSUES Our sister church of Our Lady and Saint John in Carrigaline are organising an environmental awareness Course entitled ‘The World as a Joyful Mystery’ which involves 6 Thursday evenings 7pm—9:30pm from 27th September till 1st November, plus 1 full day on Saturday 20th October from 10am till 5pm. The Course is free but places are limited so prior booking essential. Contact Ber Parfrey 086-8469405 or email
TEMPLEBREEDY FLOWER FESTIVAL to celebrate its 150th Anniversary this year, Holy Trinity Church in Crosshaven are hosting a Flower Festival on 21st to 23rd September with the theme ‘Praise and Thanks’, Contact the Co-ordinator Esther Ross 021-4887273 for details. Esther helped us enormously when we held our Flower Festival a few years ago so it would be great if there was lots of support and involvement from our parish.
Cork Autism Conference 2018 – Re-Thinking Autism – A Positive and Integrative Approach, Sunday September 30th, Rochestown Park Hotel, Douglas, Cork. Conference provides a unique forum for Parents, Families, Caregivers, Adults with ASD, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism and aspergers syndrome. All are welcome. More info here: or call 089 239 8900.
Tonight Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
12th Sept Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
13th Sept Friendship Club 11am Rectory
19th Sept Mothers’ Union Service 8pm St Mary’s Church
21st Sept Culture Night : Art Exhibition in Parish Hall
22nd Sept Reading/Intercessions Workshop 10-12 St Mary’s
23rd Sept Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s Church
27th Sept Monkstown Home Group 8pm
30th Sept United Harvest Service 11:15am St Mary’s Church
Preacher : Mr Keith Roberts
1st Oct Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
6th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
7th Oct United Harvest Service 11:15am St John’s Church
Preacher : The Revd Edwin Hunter
Random Notes No. CCLXXXIII
This week sees the retirement of one of UCC’s most illustrious sons: Peter Flynn, late of the UCC Computer Bureau and subsequently the Computer Centre, has the distinct honour of creating Ireland’s first – and the world’s ninth website. This website,, is a “corpus of electronic texts,” and is still online. Sadly the original server died though it is hoped to repair it shortly.
Peter describes his first World Wide Web experience as follows:
“The first I heard of the WWW was when Tim Berners-Lee mentioned it at a meeting of the RARE WG3 (to which I was Secretary and HEAnet representative and he was CERN representative) in late 1991. As a result of this I downloaded his software to try it out for the CELT project, which was then just starting. Our link entered Tim’s original homepage from CERN, at the bottom of the first screen. I couldn’t give an exact date, but Tim did confirm to me many years later that there were nine links on that page, so we were the ninth.”
“At a later meeting of RARE WG3 in Zurich in 1992, Tim demonstrated the whole WWW system to us.”
“The first CELT document (the Aisling Oenguso) was served to the Web around March 1993, but was later taken down (against our advice) by the then Editor of the CELT project because they didn’t want to raise the expectations of the Celtic Studies community. ….”
“…. In removing the document but not notifying Tim, I inadvertently became the first person ever to break a link on the Web.”
Before his departure, Peter has also gone to the trouble of highlighting some old Computer Bureau bulletins from the 1980’s. The 1986 issue came out when I was in 2nd year Computer Science. It contains a list of PC prices, including, “PC/AT 640k, 20Mb hard disk £3714,” approximately €4700 for a computer with a tiny fraction of today’s specifications. This issue also contains the following from a contributor:
“With the exception of some of the brighter undergraduates, I’m afraid very few users avail of the excellent electronic mail facilities on our mainframe computers.”
How times have changed!
I was lucky to have Peter teach me the typesetting program LaTeX, which I used to produce my doctoral thesis.
Peter is looking forwarded to an active retirement pursuing personal projects, but a lot of us in UCC will miss his quiet presence.
UCC maintains a computer history page at The photo is a set of UCC’s IBM hard drives from 1984.