Pew Sheet – 10th May 2020

The Rector writes ‘ and the days and the weeks continue….. We had our first Morning Prayer from the Rectory during the week and it was really lovely to see some of the ’regular mid-week’ congregation on Zoom. Somone texted me afterwards that ‘Wednesday now feels like Wednesday should’ I was telling them all that I gave blood on Tuesday evening and had to drive to the Rochestown Hotel to donate. I felt like it was a night out! I put on some makeup and a bit of perfume to mark the occasion!
In truth though everyday is another day to be grateful to be alive and it’s interesting that Simon Woodworth’s prayers in this Pewsheet reflects my current feeling. There is so much sorrow for so many people that it feels churlish not be grateful for what many small confined mercies there are. I am , in particular, grateful for the technology around that allows me to livestream our Eucharist each Sunday (except when a car ploughs into the Hall obviously!) and to meet with people on Wednesday evening to discuss Faith and Art and whatever takes our fancy and now to have a midweek service , even if it is from the Rectory. We can also keep going with our Select Vestry meetings (we had one just this Thursday evening) so all in all, we are ticking over as best as we can and for that I am grateful. Check out the Facebook page for lovely photos from around the parish; from wildlife to veggies growing to local architecture. Stay well and stick in there! ‘
Easter Wings
A poem by George Herbert which was published in his posthumous
collection, The Temple (1633).
It was originally formatted sideways on facing pages and is in the tradition of shaped poems that goes back to
ancient Greek sources.

Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
Though foolishly he lost the same,
Decaying more and more,
Till he became
Most poore:
With thee
O let me rise
As larks, harmoniously,
And sing this day thy victories:
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.
My tender age in sorrow did beginne
And still with sicknesses and shame.
Thou didst so punish sinne,
That I became
Most thinne.
With thee
Let me combine,
And feel thy victorie:
For, if I imp my wing on thine,
Affliction shall advance the flight in me.
How to view Live Stream Services
If you are on a PC , just go to the parish website and under the top right hand corner of the screen you’ll see ‘’Live Streaming of Services’ If you click on that you will be able to choose to view the service. You can also google ‘Carrigaline Union of Parishes Youtube’ and click on the link to see the recorded services. A huge thank you to Simon Woodworth for all the work he is doing to keep our online presence possible. This pew sheet has the readings for today and the prayers of intercession. A copy of the Holy Communion Service was sent out with previous emails, if you’d like a copy just let me know. The Church of Ireland website has all of the Book of Common Prayer online if you’d like to look at it click on the link below. .
The sermon and the Intercessions along with the contents of the Pew Sheet are put up on the parish website on Mondays if you want to read them there.
Parish Finances
Some of you were asking me what to do about your giving
during this time of not being able to gather in our churches.
If you use envelopes, you can post it to Helen Arnopp, our
Honorary Treasurer, at her address in Ballea, Carrigaline,
P43 HT95 or if you’d rather set up a standing order or
transfer , here are the details of our deposit bank account:
IBAN – IE47BOFI90297974081798 BIC – BOFIIE2D
Some parishioners have set up a jam jar at home and are putting their usual ‘Plate’ giving into the jar with the intention of passing it on to the Parish when this is all over.

Every Wednesday at 10:30am there is a Morning Prayer from the Rectory by Zoom. Please email the rector if you’d like to join in.
The Wednesday nights Zoom Gatherings are at 7:30/8pm. You can check in from 7:30pm and then we begin at 8pm. At the moment we are looking at particular events from the Bible, seen through the eyes of the German Painter Sieger Koder and we can have a general chat around that. (using some of the material from a book from ‘Glimpses of the Divine’ by Gemma Simmonds.) in order to join the Zoom Meeting, please email the rector for the link
IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY DOWNLOADED ZOOM ON YOUR PC/TABLET/SMARTPHONE, IT IS REALLY EASY TO DO…… just google ‘zoom us’ and you will be led to the Zoom site where you can follow directions to download the Zoom software on your device, then you have to register as a user, using your usual email address and picking a new Zoom password. It is all completely free so don’t worry about costs.
Zoom software is being used everywhere at the minute and it is very user friendly. In the parish we use it now for Select Vestry meetings, I also use it daily for Morning Prayer with the other clergy in the diocese and we use it for Diocesan meetings, Boards of Management etc. so do try it.
If you have any problems with installing Zoom, let me know and I will try and walk through it with you. I’m afraid we are going to be relying on it for some time yet!
God bless, Elaine

Random Notes CCCXXXIX
The area where I live, in Cobh, is called Rushbrooke Links.
I always thought that this was just a fanciful name, with no basis in history. But recently I stumbled upon a fascinating little article from the Cork Constitution, dated 16th October 1894. It reads:-
“The Queenstown and Rushbrooke Golf Club. President Mr Arthur Hugh Smith Barry MP. Committee – Messrs H Barry, J P Byrne, Anderson Cooper, H R Greene, Captain Longden, Canon R H Loane, W O’B Newell, Captain Shirley and O S Stokes.
This club, which is in a flourishing condition, although in its
infancy, opened the season for 1894-95 yesterday. There were a large number of members present, all of whom are now taking a most lively interest in the new fascinating game, and in the welfare of the club. Indeed, there is every reason to suppose that the club will be a success, when it has for it’s president a gentleman like Mr Smith Barry, who has with his usual generosity placed at the club’s disposal three spacious green’s, portion of his property. This newly organised club opened last year with no less than 80 members, and this season it is pleasing to be able to mention that that number has been greatly augmented.”

The golf club was located behind the railway station at Rushbrooke and extended up where the pylons are now, on the big open green area. There is a road up there called “Bunker Hill” which I always believed to refer to a coal bunker. But it seems that history was, once again, telling the truth! Unfortunately, like many other clubs and society’s, the First World War put an end to the glory days of the Queenstown and Rushbrooke Golf Club. My next little mission is to find where the clubhouse was located. RCE