Pew Sheet – 12th February 2023
The Rector writes ’Thanks to our Diocesan Lay Reader in Training Dr Simon Woodworth who leads today’s Services and to our Ordained Local Minister, the Revd Richard Dring who is preaching, I am able to just sit with the congregation for the 9:30am Service in St John’s Church and also to be over with the Sunday Club in the Parish Hall over in St Mary’s Church. It is lovely for me as the Rector to get to do this…. Now I’ll be able to say from experience just how hard the Pews are over in Monkstown and also to check up on our wonderful Sunday Club leaders , Elvina & Rachel
We send our best congratulations to our sister church of Our Lady & St John’s in Carrigaline who are today receiving their Eco Congregation Award. Welcome to the Eco Club, hopefully we will continue to work together on eco initiatives into the future.
Random Notes CDXVIII
Some months ago, on the TV show ‘Countdown’, Rev. Richard Coles told the story of a disastrous animal blessing service,inspiring the following lines.
‘Twas the animal blessing service
and the Vicar felt quite nervous.
He kept his fingers crossed
‘twould go without a hitch.
But there was a spot of bother
when one pet ate another,
(well, you must admit this was a major glitch)
Now it should be understood
the culprit’s I.Q. wasn’t good,
It failed to grasp the Vicar’s meaning on the day.
Instead it had a hunch
that the time had come for lunch,
when it thought the Vicar said,
“now let us prey”
Thankfully there has never been any blood shed here in St Mary’s where the pets are well-behaved, most
notably Shauna the Sheep, with her impeccably-times ‘baa’ as she joined the humans in saying ‘amen!’
St. Mary’s Church are looking for volunteers for both the Flower Rota and the Bell Rota for 2023. Some months have been filled but we are short a few names for each rota. We can pair any new volunteers with another person to make it easier for them. New bell ringers will be shown how to ring out Church bell which really is a very easy task. Any help would be very much appreciated and would make it easier for those who have already volunteered. Please contact Joy Keefe re both rotas 087 2559844
Mothers’ Union meeting on Wednesday 15th February at 3pm in St. Mary’s Parish Hall.
Chair Yoga with Clodagh King
Tea/coffee to follow as always.
Parish Fundraising Auction
St Mary’s School, Waterpark
1pm Saturday 18th February
Viewing from 10 am to 12 noon
The organising committee would like to thank everyone for their kind donations to the auction.
St Mary’s Church Bicentenary Photo Exhibition
Wanted : Photographs to display at a Photo Exhibition of St Mary’s Church.
The theme includes the immediate vicinity, exterior, interior, or any detail.
Photo prints of ANY SIZE up to the maximum of 12” by 18”
Photos to be exhibited can be Current or Older, Colour or Black and White, and be Print or Digitally projected.
Closing date for entries is 1st March
Photos can be sent to;
Lesley Roberts, Mount Rivers, Carrigaline,
Co Cork. P43 P497. Tel no, 085 243 3920
William Warren-Perry, Beau Vallon, Strawhall, Monkstown, Co Cork. T12 TP9X.
Tel no, 086 332 7915