Pew Sheet – 12th January 2025
The Rector writes ‘We are now in the season of Epiphany when we remember how the Wise Men from the East brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. As we have done in the past, the Giving Tree in St Mary’s Church will remain in place , along with the Star on the Spire, until the end of Epiphany (Candlemas, 2nd February) so if you have any unwanted gifts left over from Christmas, there is still plenty of time to put them on the tree (or give them to me) and then at Candlemas, I will pass on the gifts to the charities we support as a parish (Cork Simon, Penny Dinners and Cuanlee Women’s Refuge). Thank you!’
Random Notes CDLXXVIII
The Écréhous are a group of islands and rocks situated six miles north-east of Jersey, and eight miles from France.
They form part of the Bailiwick of Jersey and are administratively part of the Parish of St Martin. There are many small islets but only three remain above water during high tide.
Fishermen’s huts have been built on the largest of the islands and some are now used as holiday shacks, Their ownership between France and Jersey has been disputed on many occasions, with fishermen from both territories placing bouys and flags on the rocks,
In St Helier, a lot of the banks and offices employ middle aged overly-perfumed glamorous secretaries with a lot of make-up. In the summer months, most Monday mornings were dominated with tales of weekend trips to the Ecrehous on their husbands’ yachts. Plenty of wine and cake would be
consumed and teenage youngsters would jump off the boats in to the crystal-clear waters.
On these dark, cold January afternoons, it can be a lovely release to light the fire and watch old programmes of Bergerac. The secretary in the Bureau des Etrangers, Peggy, reminds me of them. Just watching, brings back the laughter and strong smell of perfume from these lovely middle-aged ladies!!
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 15th
M.U. All Ireland Holy Communion Service 10.30 a.m. St Mary’s Church with Teas/coffees afterwards in the Parish Hall.
Saturday 18th
Reading Workshop 10 till 12 St Mary’s Church
Wednesday 22nd
7:30pm Ecumenical Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, St Mary’s Church
Thursday 23rd
5-6:30pm Confirmation Classes begin in the Parish Hall.
Saturday 25th
8pm The New Year’s Ball Canon McCrea Hall 25euros
Sunday 2nd Candlemas
9:30/11am Services as normal
5pm Service of Wholeness and Healing St Mary’s Church
Wednesday 5th
8pm First of the Zoom online talks ‘The Music of our Praise – the wonderful world of music for worship’. (continuing on Wednesdays 12th & 19th)
Confirmation classes
The Confirmation Classes begin on January 23rd.
They will be held in the Parish Hall each Thursday from 5pm until 6:30pm. Candidates will need to get in touch with the Rector as soon as possible as it isn’t possible to join in the classes once they’ve begun
If anyone would like to subscribe to the diocesan magazine please let Rowland Newenham know. Subscription for 2025 is €35, or €30 for an online emailed pdf copy. You may hand your subscription to one of the churchwardens, you may post your subscription to Rowland Newenham, Cooleens, Church Road, Carrigaline P43 FR88, you may pay by Revolut @rowlandnewenham, or you may pay online to Rowland Newenham.
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The New Year’s Ball
25th January
8pm Canon McCrea Hall
St Mary’s School, Waterpark
Tickets : 25 euro
Tickets are now for sale for the Ball and we hope that everyone will support this exciting event.
Please contact Hilary Warren Perry, Maggie Newnham, Livy Riordan, Hazel Fleury
or Olna Trotter for tickets.