Pew Sheet – 13th October 2024




Dates for your Diary

Monday 14th October

Men’s Coffee 10am in the Carrigaline Court Hotel.

Thursday 24th October

Exciting Parish Fundraiser Fashion Event Parish Hall with Emily

‘FashionablyFortyish’  details nearer the time but save the date!

Sunday 3rd November

Parish Gift Day

Saturday 16th November

Youth Group Bowling

Sunday 1st December 

Tractor Run , details nearer the time but save the date!

Congratulations to the winners in this year’s Sunflower Competition.

1st Prize Alex & Louis Pope

2nd Prize Conor & Ben Barbour

3rd Prize Conor, Kevin & Ben Nation

Runners Up : WIlliam & Ewan Haubold, Adam, Isobel & Katie Fitzroy & Zoe Cunningham

Special mention for the Adults : Hilary Dring, Anne Golden & Liam Murray

Well done to everyone who took part!

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club will host 

A Floral Demonstration by Malcolm Kitt AOIFA, titled

  “Autumn Splendor”

Includes our Autumn Decorative Show 

On Monday 21st October 2024 at 8pm in St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark, Carrigaline, 

all welcome,  visitors €7.

Peter Stobart will be running a Diocesan Come and Sing Evensong in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday 19th October.

The rehearsal will be from 2pm and the service will be at 5pm with a break for tea at around 4.20pm.

The music will include Stanford’s Canticles in C (in this his anniversary year) and Charles Wood’s Never weather-beaten sail.   Music will be provided on the day and singers of any ability are welcome.

Please let him know directly at  if you plan to attend. 

Inaugural Howard Memorial Prize.

It is a great pleasure to announce the establishment of the Howard Memorial Prize which will consist of 10 organ lessons awarded annually to a successful candidate. The aim of the prize is to promote organ playing and to encourage involvement in and enhancing spiritual connection through church music.

Applicants should have minimum of Grade 5 piano standard. Lessons will be given by Ms Amber Kaier. The successful candidate will be presented with a Memorial Shield in church on Sunday,  November 17th, 2024.    Those applying for consideration should contact

Mr Mark Howard    

by October 21st 2024 with a short video sample of a piano piece and a few words about the candidates themselves. These are solely for the teacher to make a selection. Best wishes to all.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 14, 2024

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Weekend Services

Sunday Morning: 11:00 am

Church Road
(021) 437 4045