Pew Sheet – 19th May 2024

The Rector writes ‘I really love Pentecost and I am always intrigued by how the apostles spoke languages other than their own!    I thought it would be an interesting exercise to ask the Artificial Intelligence Program ‘ChatGPT’ to tell me the story of that first day of Pentecost in AI language…  and the resulting story is on the back page.   Have a read of it and see what you think… I think the AI has certainly captured the amazing moment!   

I then asked another AI program ‘Wombo’ to design a painting of the first Pentecost and this was the result , isn’t it lovely?  even in our new-fangled technological AI world, the Spirit still blows where it wills! 

The Story of Pentecost, as retold by ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program.

‘In the days following Jesus’ resurrection, Jerusalem was bustling with people from many lands, all gathered to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, also known as Shavuot. The streets were filled with pilgrims, merchants, and visitors, creating a vibrant tapestry of languages, cultures, and traditions.

In a humble upper room, tucked away from the clamour of the city, the apostles of Jesus gathered together. Their hearts were heavy with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Jesus had ascended into heaven just days before, instructing them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father. The apostles prayed and waited, clinging to their faith and to each other.

On the morning of the fiftieth day after Passover, the day of Pentecost, the apostles were once again gathered in the upper room. Suddenly, a sound like the rushing of a mighty wind filled the entire house. It was as if the very breath of God was sweeping through them, igniting their spirits. Startled, they looked at one another with wide eyes.

Then, something extraordinary happened. Tongues of fire appeared, resting on each of their heads. It was a mesmerizing sight, and yet it did not burn. Instead, it filled them with a profound sense of peace and power. In that moment, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

As the Spirit filled them, they began to speak in other languages—languages they had never learned. It was an astonishing gift, and they realized that this was the fulfilment of Jesus’ promise. The Holy Spirit had come to empower them for the mission ahead.

Outside, the noise had drawn a crowd. People from various regions—Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and visitors from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Libya, Rome, Crete, and Arabia—gathered in amazement. They heard the apostles speaking in their own native tongues, declaring the wonders of God.    Confusion and astonishment spread through the crowd. “Aren’t these men Galileans?” they asked each other. “How is it that we hear them speaking in our languages?”  Some sceptics in the crowd sneered and said, “They have had too much wine.”   Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice to address the crowd. “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.'”

Peter continued, passionately sharing the message of Jesus Christ—his life, death, and resurrection. He spoke of Jesus as the promised Messiah, and his words, empowered by the Holy Spirit, pierced the hearts of those listening.

The people were deeply moved and asked, “What shall we do?”

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

That day, about three thousand people accepted the message and were baptized. The apostles, once uncertain and fearful, were now bold and unwavering.

The Holy Spirit had transformed them, equipping them to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.  And so, the church was born on that first Pentecost, not through the might of human effort, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, moving through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.

The message of Jesus began to spread like wildfire, igniting hearts and transforming lives across the world.’         

Happy Birthday Church!

Music Notes 19-05-2024

Hymns at St Mary’s

496       For the healing of the nations

341       Spirit divine, attend our prayers

306       O Spirit of the living God

305       O Breath of life

    I have been doing some history research recently and have come across some interesting snippets which I’ll share here over the next few weeks.

First, an extract from a sermon given by Fr. Daniel Prout in Watergrasshill some time in the 1820s. This was the Catholic priest who later inspired Francis Mahony of Blarney to adopt the pen name ‘Father Prout’. Fr. Daniel was feeling a little frustrated by the lack of financial support from parishioners and made his feelings quite plain. I found myself laughing aloud at the vehemence of his language , he really was very upset!

“The text today is: ‘He that giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord.’ I know, dearly beloved, that ye are not skilled in logic or anything of that nature. I know, though, that ye are skilled in other things, such as playing hurley in the fields, or scheming at cards in public-houses for a half-a-gallon of porter, or defrauding your clergy of their lawful dues……

Last Thursday I went to Bartlemy Fair. I went to buy a horse, for this is a large parish, and mortification and fretting have made me not as lively as I was….Well, I bought the horse and it cost me more than I expected –  and there I was without a penny in my pocket, after I had paid the dealer. It was raining cats and dogs; and I am so poor that I can’t afford a greatcoat, so I was wet to the skin in less than no time.   But where were ye? There ye were, scores of ye in the public houses with the windows up, so that all the world might see ye eating and drinking for all ye were worth….

As I stood there under the rain, Mr. Mun Roche of Kildinan came along. He is an honest gentleman and a hospitable man, even though he is a Protestant. He took me home with him in his coach and there, for your eternal disgrace, he made me as full as a tick…It is he who fulfilled the text from the Scripture which I have been preaching.”

The full text of the sermon was given in the Cork Constitution on 24 August 1875.

Bébhinn 087 228 5965

Dates for your Diary

26th May         Trinity Sunday

The Eco Congregation Candle will be lit at our 11am Service in St Mary’s Church and the Eco Group will lead the Intercessions.

8th June   The Parish Fete 

will be held in the School grounds. Please start keeping items aside for the Fete. Thank you.

28th July   Parish BBQ after 11am Service

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline are inviting you to join us on our annual outing to Co Waterford on 27th May 2024 visiting Mount Congreve Gardens and Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens plus Maguires Garden Centre.

Lunch and Dinner included. Cost €97.

Coach leaves Carrigaline at 8 am and returns 9.30.

For more information contact 086 1742702 or 087 6976552.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 20, 2024

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