Pew Sheet – 22nd September 2024
Helen Arnopp writes ‘I write as Honorary Treasure on behalf of the Select Vestry of Carrigaline Union. In relation to the current financial position we wish to let you know that currently there is a shortfall in our income versus our expenditure and we will be unable to meet all our outgoings between now and the 31st December 2024. We are informing you as parishioners and are asking for your assistance in addressing this shortfall in cashflow for the current year. We ask that you would consider giving additional funds on our Gift Day at the beginning of November and or consider a once off donation at this time. The Select Vestry are very conscious of the financial commitments required to operate our churches, St Marys, Carrigaline and St. Johns Monkstown and we would welcome input from you as parishioners to help us grow sustainable income streams in the future.
It should be noted that we were only able to pay €10,000 of the Fair Share at the end of August, which leaves a further €13,000 owing to Diocesan Council for the quarter ended 31th August 2024. The final quarter of the Parish Fair Share is due to be paid on 30th November 2024. Please note that Tax relief applies to gifts of money by parishioners who pay income tax in the Republic of Ireland and donate more than €250 in a tax year. As we are a charity we can claim tax back from the Revenue which means that the parish can claim an additional €112.32 for every €250 donated. Please feel free to contact myself / 087 6540226 or Rev Canon Elaine to offer your financial assistance. You can find the parish account details in the Pew Sheet weekly email or below. You can also donate directly on the link in our parish website through iDonate and now also with the QR code which will be place in the pews shortly.
Should you wish to donate to Parish funds outside of using the Collection Basket / Card Reader at the Church Services, you can also post cheques directly to our Hon. Treasurer at her home address : Helen Arnopp, Ballea, Carrigaline, Co. Cork P43 HT95 or via this direct link to our iDonate page
or if you’d rather directly transfer money to the parish, or set up a standing order, our Bank account details are IBAN – IE47BOFI90297974081798 BIC – BOFIIE2D RECTORS & CHURCHWARDENS SAVINGS ACCOUNT
Calling all Sunflower growers!
If you have grown a Sunflower this year, whether it was with seeds distributed in church at Rogation time
or whether you bought the seeds yourselves, you are cordially invited to email or WhatsApp the rector a photo of your Sunflower, together with the measurements, before the end of September.
The prizes for the tallest Sunflower will be awarded at the Harvest Thanksgiving Services on Sunday 13th October.
Peter Stobart will be running a Diocesan Come and Sing Evensong in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday 19th October. The rehearsal will be from 2pm and the service will be at 5pm with a break for tea at around 4.20pm. The music will include Stanford’s Canticles in C (in this his anniversary year) and Charles Wood’s Never weather-beaten sail.
Music will be provided on the day and singers of any ability are welcome.
Please let him know directly at if you plan to attend.
The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club will host A talk by Shirley Lanigan author of “Open Gardens of Ireland” Includes Horticultural and Decorative Competitions Plant Sales Table and Refreshments
On Monday 23rd September 2024 at 8pm in St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark,
Carrigaline, all welcome, visitors €7.
Harvest Supper
We are looking forward to our Harvest Supper on Saturday 12th October in the Canon McCrea Hall.
Please let Millie Kingston 086 8091443 know before 25th September if you can contribute a salad or dessert, or you can text Hilary Warren-Perry 086-2637137 (text only please)
Also please let us know if you are free to help set up the Hall beforehand or to help tidy up afterwards?
Henry Forbes has tickets for sale.
Many thanks for your support and generosity.
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 29th September
United Animal Blessing Service at 11am in St Mary’s Church.
(no 9:30am Service)
Service of Wholeness & Healing at 7pm in St John’s Church.
Friday 11th October
Youth Group Sleepout for Focus Ireland
Saturday 12th October
Harvest Supper 7:30pm, Canon McCrea Hall
Sunday 13th October
Harvest Thanksgiving Services in both churches, a
professional Parish Photo will be taken at the end of the
Service. Sunflower Competition Results and Prizes.
Thursday 24th October
Exciting Parish Fundraiser Fashion Event Parish Hall with Emily
FashionablyFortyish’ details nearer the time but save the date!
Sunday 3rd November
Parish Gift Day
Sunday 1st December
Tractor Run , details nearer the time but save the date!
Random Notes CDLXIX
On October 11th the Youth Group will be sleeping out in support of the Focus Ireland Shine a Light Sleep Out For Homelessness campaign to support the homeless in Ireland. We’ll be outdoors, in sleeping bags, sleeping on cardboard sheets, outide St Mary’s Parish Hall. While we will have some rain protection, it won’t be comfortable. Some of us have done it 2-3 times before and it is a sobering experience.
Try to imagine getting a good night’s sleep where you have no guarantee of staying warm, dry, or safe. Then try to imagine feeding yourself during the day, or trying to find work of any sort.
Any teenagers in the parish are welcome to sign up as a team member.
Any and all donations are also welcome.
Our fundraising target is €1000.
For more information scan the QR code, follow the link, or talk to any of our youth leaders.