Pew Sheet – 25th July 2021

The Rector writes   ‘I’m probably tempting fate by writing about the extreme weather on Wednesday morning while it is still sweltering…. for I know that by the time you are actually reading this it may well be back to normal for this time of the year but I came across this prayer from the Episcopal Church in the US and thought it might be appreciated at this time. So whether you love this heat or whether you hate it, I hope this lovely prayer helps.’

   A Heat Wave Prayer…

God of creation,

may the glistening beads of sweat upon our brow,

remind us of our baptismal promises; 

may the slowing of our paces and practices,

remind us of the sacredness of each moment;

and may the sweltering waves of heated air,

remind us of your Spirit which moves amongst us.

Keep safe those who work and those who play this day,

as we tend to our neighbours in need. Amen!

© Diocese of Niagara, 2013

Random Notes CCCLXXXIX

 A list of logical fallacies

A logical fallacy is an argument in which the conclusion doesn’t follow from the premise or premises. The premises could be wrong, or the conclusion could be wrong, or both. Fallacies are frequently used in public discourse and they can be categorised. An incomplete list with some examples is given below.

Straw Man

Misrepresenting your opponent’s position and using it against them.

Begging the Question (Circular Reasoning),

“Green is the best colour because it is the greenest of all colours.” This phrase gets frequently misused. To beg the question actually means to assume it is already answered. The argument requires its conclusion to be true.

Ad Hominem

Literally, playing the person, not the ball. Resorting to insults to make your point.

Post Hoc Fallacy “post hoc ergo propter hoc” (after this, therefore because of this)

“I forgot to feed the dog and I got a flat tyre going to work. The dog has it in for me!” Clearly there is no connection between these two events.

Loaded Question Fallacy

“When did you stop smoking marijuana?” A courtroom trick. This is actually two questions and should be treated as such.

False Dichotomy (False Dilemma, Either/Or)

“Either we go back into full lockdown or else we might as well lift all restrictions.” Actually, there may be other options worth considering.

Equivocation (Doublespeak)

Misleading the listener through misuse of language. For example, relying on the multiple meanings of the word “right” to deliberately confuse an argument. Some politicians do this!

Appeal to Authority (ad verecundiam)

“I have a PhD, therefore everything in this issue of Random Notes is correct.” No academic ever does this. Honest! In fact, any academic that did this should be run out of town.

Hasty Generalization Fallacy

“I saw a UFO today. They must be everywhere.” This claim is on the face of it unfounded. In fact, UFOs might be everywhere but more evidence is needed to support it.

Appeal to Popular Opinion (ad populum) Fallacy.

“But Mum/Dad! EVERYONE’s getting their heads shaved! Why can’t I?” There are more dangerous appeals to popular opinion than this. For example the politicisation of the vaccine debate in the USA.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 26, 2021

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