Pew Sheet – 26th January 2025

The Rector writes ’ The series of 3 online music talks start on Wednesday week,  5th February.  On 5th, 12th and 19th, the Talk will begin at 7.30pm and will last about 40 minutes with a bit of time to chat and ask questions afterwards.  The plan is to take a look at how we praise God in music today and how we got here.     Sometimes new developments in music caused conflicts and arguments in churches and Bébhinn will have a few funny stories to tell from newspaper accounts of such ‘goings-on’!

There will also be an account of a little-known local builder of pipe organs and where one might find his instruments today.

And did you ever wonder about why the choir in St Mary’s Church came to be named ‘The Gallery Singers’?  You might think it’s because of where they are located but there is more to it, we might need to call in Thomas Hardy to illuminate the background for us. 

It would be handy to have a Bible to hand for  the first talk on 5th.  I must say I’m really looking forward to it! .  I’ll put the Zoom link into the Parish Pewsheet email next week but just text me for details about it if you need to.’ 

A prayer for Holocaust Memorial Day

 To mark HMD 2020, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Senior Imam Qari Asim have come together and written a special prayer which is intended to be used by people of any faith at their HMD activity.

Loving God, we come to you with heavy hearts,

remembering the six million Jewish souls murdered during the Holocaust.

In the horrors of that history, when so many groups were targeted because of their identity, and in

genocides which followed, we recognise destructive prejudices that drive people apart.

Forgive us when we give space to fear, negativity and hatred of others, simply because they are different from us.

In the light of God, we see everyone as equally precious manifestations of the Divine, and can know the courage to face the darkness.

Through our prayers and actions, help us to stand together with those who are suffering, so that light may banish all darkness, love will prevail over hate and good will triumph over evil.


Tomorrow , Monday 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day.

The National Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration has taken place in Ireland on the Sunday nearest to the  27th  January every year since 2003.

This event cherishes the memory of all of the victims of the Holocaust and is attended by people from all walks of Irish life. 

Holocaust Memorial Day 2025 will be commemorated today Sunday 26th January between 3pm and 5pm at the Mansion House in Dublin. Our President, Michael D. Higgins is the Keynote Speaker.

Go to the website if you’d like more details on the work of Holocaust Education Ireland 

Dates for your Diary

Tonight !  Sunday 26th January 

7pm  Songs of Praise in St Factna’s Cathedral, Roscarberry

The Rector will present her selection of favourite hymns.


Sunday 2nd Candlemas

9:30/11am Services as normal

5pm Service of Wholeness and Healing St Mary’s Church

5th 8pm First of the Zoom online talks ‘The Music of our Praise – the wonderful world of music for worship’. (continuing on Wednesdays 12th & 19th)

15th  7:30-9pm Youth Club in the Parish Hall

22nd  CDYC Inflata Bounce and Airtastic


If anyone would like to subscribe to the diocesan magazine please let Rowland Newenham know. Subscription for 2025 is €35, or €30 for an online emailed pdf copy.  You may hand your subscription to one of the churchwardens, you may post your subscription to Rowland Newenham, Cooleens, Church Road, Carrigaline P43 FR88, you may pay by Revolut @rowlandnewenham, or you may  pay online to Rowland Newenham. 

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Please contact Joy Keefe 087-2559844 if you would like to be part of the Flower or Bell Rota in St Mary’s Church. Newcomers welcome!  

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 27, 2025

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