Pew Sheet 29th September 2024
Annual Blessing of the Animals in St Mary’s Church
Harvest Supper
We are looking forward to our Harvest Supper on Saturday 12th October in the Canon McCrea Hall.
If you can contribute a salad or dessert, you can text Hilary Warren-Perry 086-2637137 (text only please)
Also please let us know if you are free to help set up the Hall beforehand or to help tidy up afterwards?
Henry Forbes has tickets for sale.
Many thanks for your support and generosity.
Calling all Sunflower growers!
If you have grown a Sunflower this year, whether it was with seeds distributed in church at Rogation time or whether you bought the seeds yourselves, you are cordially invited to email or WhatsApp the rector a photo of your Sunflower, together with measurements, before the end of September. The prizes for the tallest Sunflower will be awarded at the Harvest Thanksgiving Services on Sunday 13th October.
Dates for your Diary
Friday 11th October
Youth Group Sleepout for Focus Ireland, to sponsor follow the link, or talk to any of our youth leaders.
Saturday 12th October
Harvest Supper 7:30pm, Canon McCrea Hall
Sunday 13th October
Harvest Thanksgiving Services in both churches, a professional Parish Photo will be taken at the end of the Service. Sunflower Competition Results and Prizes.
Wednesday 16th October
Mothers’ Union Meeting 3pm in the Parish Hall. Speaker will be Clare Poole on A Unique Nature Trip to the Great Saltee Island – Awesome! (Beautiful photos as well.) Chat & Questions with Teas/coffees afterwards. All welcome!
Thursday 24th October
Exciting Parish Fundraiser Fashion Event Parish Hall with Emily
FashionablyFortyish’ details nearer the time but save the date!
Sunday 3rd November
Parish Gift Day
Sunday 1st December
Tractor Run , details nearer the time but save the date!
Random Notes CDLXX
Our TV screens have been filled with images of athletes competing at the Paralympic Games recently, many of them using different wheelchairs. Here is a bit of history on this impressive piece of equipment.
At the recent Paralympic Games many athletes used wheelchairs either full time or for distance mobility and many competed in their wheelchairs in different sports, including tennis, basketball, boccia and fencing. Outside of the world of sport wheelchairs are amazing aids that support people to be as independent as possible in their daily lives.
Some interesting facts about wheelchair throughout history:
*Stone encryptions from ancient China and Greece shows chairs with wheels as far back as 500 BCE. King Felipe II from Spain used a wheelchair, with very small wheels, in the 16th century.
*In the 17th century clock maker Stephan Farffler did not have the use of his legs and designed a device with a hand crank so that he could attend church in Nuremburg, Germany.
*In the mid 18th century British inventor James Heath designed a wheelchair that people with poor health could use to access the Bath spas. It was called the “Bath chair”.
*By the early 20th century the wheelchair looks more like we know today, but very uncomfortable!
*In the 1930’s two engineering friends Herbert Everest and Harry Jennings built the first foldable wheelchair after Everest survived a mining accident.
*After WWII Canadian George Klein built the first electric wheelchair.
*These days wheelchairs come in all shapes in sizes and can do so much to assist people in living independent lives. Seating can even be moulded to their body shape to minimise any secondary complications.
*What will the future hold?