Pew Sheet – 9th April 2023
Music Notes
Hymns at St Mary’s
271 Jesus Christ is risen today
278 Now the green blade rises
Bless the Lord, O my soul
288 Thine be the glory
The choir will be introducing two new pieces today taken from a collection called Sing the Circle Wide. The collection has been put together by Debbie Lou Ludolph who leads a Canadian community choir called Inshallah. Their aim is to put together an alternative congregational repertoire which reflects the witness of Christians around the world. There are songs from Africa, the Middle East, India, Canada, Europe and many other places. Today we are singing a Hallelujah from Syria and a Sanctus composed at a community workshop in Canada.
As Pablo Sosa says in the introduction to the book: “.. singing each other’s songs should be the proof of our desire to bring about the harmonious sound of our life together.”
Sally will join us again today to sing solo the verses of ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul’ at the Offertory and she hopes you’ll join her in the chorus.
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
13th April Easter Vestry
7:30pm in the Parish Hall. All welcome to attend. Those who are registered as Vestry Persons may vote for the incoming Select Vestry, Nominators and Diocesan Synodspersons.
14th April Dorothee Roberts Painting Exhibition
Parish Hall : 7pm Friday 14th , 10am till 5pm Saturday 15th, noon till 5pm Sunday 16th
15th April Youth Group
Parish Hall 7:30pm – 9pm VR Headset exploration of the Resurrection
16th April Parish Confirmation
11am in St Mary’s Church (note NO 9:30 Service in St John’s Church that day)
All parishioners are encouraged to be there for our 8 young people.
30th April Cork Choral Festival ‘Sacred Trail’ Finnish Choir to visit
11am United Service in St John’s Church Monkstown
(note NO 11am Service in St Mary’s Church that day)
Light refreshments in the Parish Hall afterwards. (if you would like to make some sandwiches or cake, please contact Hazel Fleury)
Scrap Metal Collection will begin again in the Parish. Please contact Henry Forbes if you have any scrap metal to be collected to raise money for parish funds.
The Parish Fete that normally happens in May will now merge with our Midsummer Garden Party and be held on June 24th in the School grounds.
Please start keeping items aside for the Fete. Thank you.