Parish Notices 26th February 2012
The Rector writes… “ Lent is here! … in our gospel reading today, Jesus is tempted in the desert for 40 days and comes out of that experience proclaiming the Good News of God throughout Galilee. I hope that after our time of Lenten reflection, we, as a parish community, will emerge proclaiming the Good News in a vibrant way. Our five week Lenten Study ’And it was good’ begins this Tuesday in St Mary’s Church Hall at 8pm. Anyone who finds themselves free to come along on Tuesday nights will find that this kind of getting together really does make a difference to the way we live our daily lives. As someone once said ‘Just because our faith is 2000 years old, it doesn’t mean that our thinking has to be!’ Simple reading, talking and thinking about the living Word keeps it just that—LIVING! Paul spoke about the necessity to put words to the hope that is within us and I firmly believe that we need to do just that. Do come along, everything is provided:- the booklets, the pens, the bibles, even tea & coffee… all you need to bring is yourselves. See you there, Elaine “
FAIRTRADE tea and coffee after service in St Mary’s Church Hall this morning. Fairtrade Fortnight begins tomorrow 27th February and we will reflect this in our services this morning. It is hoped that this might mark the beginning of the journey to becoming a Fairtrade parish. If anyone would like to help make this happen, please contact the Rector.
SUNDAY SCHOOL resumes in St Mary’s next week, Sunday 4th March.
MID-WEEK EUCHARIST in St Mary’s Church every Wednesday at 10.30 a.m. All are welcome to come along.
PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. This allows anyone to request prayers which will be incorporated into the prayers said at our Sunday and midweek services. Please just write the date and the first name of the person you would like to be prayed for. More details may be written but names will be not be mentioned aloud but will be remembered silently during our time of corporate and private prayer.
INTERCESSIONS IN CHURCH If you would like to be involved in doing prayer intercessions at our church services, please contact the Rector who will put together a rota of all interested persons . As it will involve a little training in this area, the Rector has put together a small instruction booklet which will help anyone who is new to this area of ministry.
EVENSONG in St Johns on 11th March will be a “Songs of Praise”. Anybody who has a favourite hymn, or one which is special to them can tell us why they like it, then we will sing it together as a congregation. Hymn requests to Roger Ellis.
CONGRATULATIONS! Please let the Rector know if you or somebody in your family is celebrating good news like a birth, exam success, special wedding anniversary or indeed a significant birthday. This way we can all share in your joy through the Link Sheet.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE sounds fancy but really only involves reading a particular book every three months. The book chosen for our first meeting in the Rectory on Tuesday evening 1st May is “The Lost Message of Jesus” by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann. This is an interesting, thought-provoking book rooted in good scholarship yet accessible to anyone. Jerome in the “Carrigaline Bookshop” has offered to source these books and offers us a 5% discount as well. Please do support our local shops and keep jobs in the community.
CHURCH OF IRELAND GAZETTE The Rector had received some free copies of this weekly magazine and had distributed them by leaving them in the Church porch. If you would now like to subscribe to this newspaper, please let her know. It costs 40 euro per year per person in a parish group.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE, on the theme of ‘Let Justice Prevail’ and prepared by the women of Malaysia, will take place on Friday, 2nd March at 8pm in Our Lady and St. John’s Church, Carrigaline. You are invited to come along – BOTH MEN AND WOMEN of all ages are very welcome. If you would like a lift or could offer a lift to someone else please contact the office at 4374045 or Hilary Dring.
CENTENARY DINNER – Cork Church of Ireland Men’s Hockey. Saturday 31st March in Garryduff Sports Centre. All welcome. Contact Daphne Hales, Garryduff.
PARISH WEBSITE. This is a very useful source of information covering all aspects of our parish life. It is only by people using and contributing items for inclusion that it is kept both fresh and relevant. Please contact the parish administrator if you have any updates for the website or if you have any difficulty in accessing it.
RECTOR AWAY Elaine is in Holland for a family wedding from1st March to 5th March. In the event of a Pastoral emergency please contact the Revd Isobel Jackson, Crosshaven.
Feb 28th Lenten Course begins, St Mary’s Parish Hall, 8 pm
Mar 2nd World Day of Prayer Service, Our Lady & St Johns Church, Carrigaline 8pm. ALL Welcome.
April 19th Easter Vestry. St Mary’s Parish Hall 7.30pm
April 29th Parish sponsored walk after United service in St Mary’s
May 1st Theological Book Circle, Rectory, 8 pm
May 25th Official Opening of School Extension
May 26th Mothers Union 125th birthday celebration Brunch in Rectory
June 10th Sunday School Prize giving in St Mary’s.
Parish Picnic in Rectory grounds for all.
June 23rd Parish Fete
June 24th Patronal Evensong in St John’s Church, 3.30 pm with the combined choirs of Monkstown Chamber Choir and the choir of St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny
July 4th ‘Champions!’ children’s day of fun.
Sept 30th Blessing of Animals United Service in St Mary’s.
Oct 7th Parish Harvest Thanksgiving.
United Eucharist Service in St Mary’s 11am
United Evensong Service in St John’s 7pm
There is an original pencil drawing displayed in St John’s Church with the following inscription:- “1891-1903 Revd Canon John Richard Brougham MA, with sincere regards from the Newman family. Monkstown, Co Cork. April 1903”. It was clearly presented to Canon Brougham upon his retirement in 1903 and is signed by the artist R.L Stopford in 1885. Robert Lowe Stopford (1813 – 1898), a resident of Monkstown, was a highly respected maritime artist and water-colourist who produced many fine views of Cork Harbour and other parts of Ireland. In 1855, Stopford was commissioned to sketch “The Throwing of the Dart” (pictured above), a curious municipal ceremony in Cork Harbour which is still performed today. An extract from Illustrated London News, 2nd June 1855 reveals “…His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Viceregal cortege, Mayor of Cork, all in the Admiralty barge proceeded to sea, and having arrived at a point commencing the outline of Poor Head on the left and the Old Head of Kinsale on the right, the Mayor and civic authorities proceeded to assert the corporate jurisdiction over the harbour by the customary formality of throwing the dart. The Mayor proceeded to the bow of the vessel when the dart (an arrow about four feet in length) having been handed to his Worship, he threw it into the water, amidst cheers from the councillors and other persons present. During the return Mr R.L.Stopford had the honour of submitting his commissioned sketch to the Lord Lieutenant”.
Stopford lived at 2 De Vesci Place (beside the present Bosun) from the early 1860’s until his death in 1898 and gave weekly classes in “sketching from nature”. During the 1880’s he conducted drawing classes at Patrick’s Hill in Cork and also gave lessons in Glenbrook.
A relative of his (possibly his grandson) Frederick Duncan Stopford (b. 1891) was educated at Dixon’s Collegiate School and Grammar School, Cork. He joined the Munster Fusiliers in 1915, and was subsequently commissioned to the Hampshire Regiment.
2nd Lt Frederick Duncan Stopford, 15th Btn Hampshire Regiment was killed in the attack on Fliers on 15th September 1916. Aged 25 years. His next of kin was his mother, Mrs Edith Stopford of Sydenham Terrace, Monkstown. F Duncan Stopford is remembered in the Roll of Honour in St John’s.