Parish Notices Sunday 12th May 2013

The Rector writes    ‘This Sunday we are hearing about the work of Christian Aid who are involved in providing aid to the most devastated  regions and the neediest communities in the world.    There is a retiring collection in each church and the coffee and tea after the service in St Mary’s will also be for their funds.  We keep all those working for Christian Aid in our prayers.    We also keep in our prayers, both corporate and personal, those in our country and especially in our community who are effected by the current crisis in farming. Last week, on Rogation Sunday, we remembered and prayed for all those who farm but it was pointed out to me that we haven’t yet prayed in our services for all the farming families who are in despair at the moment.     How awful it must be to hear the cries of hungry animals and not to be able to help.   It is no wonder that some people have been driven to the depths of despair.   I would ask that we all continue to remember our farming community in our prayers over the coming weeks and it is to be hoped that the weather will improve enough to allow the grass to grow and enable the animals to move outdoors which would help alleviate the current terrible situation’

CHORAL EVENSONG is at 7pm tonight in St John’s Church, Monkstown, a peaceful reflective service for the end of the day.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow as normal. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.

SUMMER FÊTE Tracey Pierce is organising a craft stall at this year’s Fête, (Saturday 1st June; put it in your diaries!). She is looking for wine bottle corks (not the plastic ones) to make various items from.  Please save any you might have or use in the next few weeks and give them either to her, Eddie Pierce, the rector or the parish office by  Sunday 19th May.

JUNIOR HEROES Holiday Bible Club! Forms are available in the office for this year’s Summer Holiday Club run jointly by Templebreedy and Carrigaline Parishes. July 22-26 from 10am-1pm in the Canon McCrea School Hall.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE Our new book is Joseph F. Girzone ‘Joshua : A Parable for today’ . We meet in the Rectory at 8pm on Wednesday 17th July to discuss. All welcome.

AFTERNOON TEA in Ashton School. Saturday 25th May 12-3pm. For all friends and past pupils of Ashton.

COFFEE JARS are again needed for Jams, Chutneys etc. Please leave any washed Coffee Jars in the office or the rectory and the rector will make sure they get a good home.

MEN’s Shed- All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Men’s Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at back for further details.

Carrigaline Union Flower Festival

Pentecost 17th, 18th & 19th  May 2013

The Carrigaline Union of Parishes will host a Flower Festival in St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline from Friday 17th until Sunday 19th May. The theme of the Festival is ‘Pentecost : The Fruits of the Spirit’

The Official Opening by Minister Simon Coveney will be at 8.30pm on Friday 17th and the 10 euro entrance ticket will include a Wine & Cheese Reception. The Flower Festival will continue from 10.30am until 6.30pm on Saturday 18th and from 12.30pm on Sunday 19th. The Right Revd Michael Burrows, Bishop of Cashel & Ossory and former Dean of Cork will be the preacher at the 7.30pm Closing Service on Pentecost Sunday 19th May. There will be a Plant  and Country Produce sale, an Art Exhibition & Sale, a Refreshments Marquee and Children’s Activity sheets. All welcome – Entrance ticket 5 Euro. Monies raised in aid of Church funds and Cork Arc & Cancer Support House.


May 12th         Evensong  St John’s 7pm

May 13th         Toddlers plus One 10am-midday. Monday Club 3-5pm.  St Mary’s Church Hall

May 15th         MU Afternoon Tea in the Rectory 3pm

May 17th        Flower Festival Opening Service, 8.30pm St Mary’s Church.

May 19th        Closing Service, 7.30pm  Bishop Michael Burrows preaching.

May 31st        Kilkenny Mothers’ Union group visiting the Rectory

June 1st          Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. 10am-2pm

June 9th        Sunday School Prize giving and Parish Picnic in Rectory

June 30th    United Service in St John’s Monkstown at 11am.

July 17th     Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.

Sept 29th        United Service :  Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am

Healing Service St John’s 7pm

Oct 12th          Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall.

Oct 13th          St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching


Random Notes               LVIII      

Illustrated below is a copy of the Order of  Service for the Dedication of the Organ in St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline on Sunday, 5th December, 1976.

An appeal leaflet for the refurbishment of the organ, some thirteen years later in 1989 gave a brief account of the instrument, and how it came to be in Carrigaline, and a part of this account is herewith transcribed. This organ was, alas, destroyed by a fire, which broke out beneath it, and subsequently did much damage to the Church, early on the morning of Sunday, 23rd March, 2003. Its replacement, the present organ, was built about ten years earlier, also by Conacher, and was formerly in the chapel St. Louis convent school at Carrickmacross, co. Monaghan.

‘A brass plate on the organ has these words “To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Frederick Grubb of Cooleville, this organ is presented by his daughter Helena C. Sutherland. Sept. 1900” Added at a later date are the words, “Donated to Carrigaline Parish by Clogheen Parish 1976.”

The organ was built for Clogheen Church by Peter Conacher of Huddersfield. The organs built by Peter Conacher are well know to those interested in organs the length and breadth of Britain and Ireland. Unhappily they went out of business in 1960.

Because of declining numbers, Clogheen Church was closed. Thanks to the good offices of Mr Edwin Hunter, the generosity of the parishioners of Clogheen, and the sympathetic interest of the late Archbishop Armstrong, then Bishop of Cashel and Ossory, who had the final decisions in these matters, this first rate organ was given to Carrigaline Parish without charge.

Mr Sam Wright, organ builder of Cork City, dismantled the organ, and rebuilt it in Carrigaline Church.

As indicated above, on 5th December, 1976, Dr. R.G.Perdue, then Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, dedicated the organ, and Dr Armstrong preached the sermon. Other clergy present were Archdeacon Desmond Hutchinson, Dean Charles Wolfe (retired), Dean Beresford Poer (retired), Can Leslie Clarke (Diocesan Secretary), Canon Gordon Watts (Douglas), the Reverends Oliver Peare (Kinsale), Leslie Bryan (Crosshaven), Michael Mayes (Blackrock), and the Rector.’ {Canon Basil Wolfe McCrea].

Carrigaline Church, Organ Dedication, 5th December, 1976. 001KLR


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