Parish Notices Sunday 16th April 2017
The Rector writes ‘Thank you to the many people who yet again have made this Holy Week and Easter so special;
those who did the visual window displays of the Gospels during Lent, those who accompanied Billy the Donkey on Palm Sunday, the Parish Drama Club for their inspiring, thoughtful dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel, those who came to each morning Eucharist, those who came each evening to listen to the Bishop in our neighbouring parish of Douglas, those who cooked for the Seder Passover Meal, the teens who served at the meal itself, those who allowed me to symbolically wash their feet, those who made the touching Easter Garden, the Confirmation candidates who read at the Easter Vigil, those who organised the fire outside the church, the many people who decorated the churches so beautifully with flowers and butterflies, those who turned up this morning at Dawn to carry the Pascal Candle, those who brought along the baby chicks, those who shook their Alleluia Eggs vigorously, those who donated Easter Eggs for the children in the Woman’s Refuge.. to each and every one of you I am so grateful for again helping us all to truly and poignantly celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.’ He is Risen indeed ….Alleluia !
The Rector and Church Wardens have Raffle tickets for sale for a wonderful colourful crochet throw, made by Gerlene Kennedy during Advent. The lucky winner will be drawn at the United Christian Aid Service in St John’s Church on April 30th.
EASTER EGG DONATIONS The box of Eggs at the back of St Mary’s Church will be delivered today to the children in Cuan Lee Women’s Refuge Centre. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
YOUTH NEWS The Diocesan Youth Officer Kristin Hollowell is running an “Event Combating Homelessness in Cork City” on Sunday, May 14th in Cork City which was such a great success last year. The purpose of it is to help young people find ways to help the homeless in their community. Starting with a Service in St. Anne’s at 10:30am, throughout the afternoon we will visit and help at Penny Dinners, make care packages to give to Simon Community and discuss what we can do in our own communities to help those in the need. There will also be the opportunity to ring the famous Shandon Bells! Ask Peter or Tracey about consent forms.
Whist Drive in aid of Irish Guide Dogs. Saturday 29th April at 830pm in Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School Hall, Carrigaline.
The Owenabue garden and flower club, will hold their next meeting on Monday 24 April at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Jimi Blake, of Hunting Brook Gardens, Blessington will speak on “The creation of Hunting Brook and a journey through the seasons”. Visitors always welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.
Retiring Collections in both Churches will now be sent to Bishops’ Appeal East Africa Crisis Fund. Thank you for your generosity and please continue to keep all those who are suffering from hunger in your daily prayers.
22nd April Three Faiths Forum Earth Day Celebration 1pm Bishop Lucey Park, Grand Parade, Cork
23rd April Commissioning of Lay Ministers of the Eucharist at both Sunday Services.
24th April Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall
28th April CAMEO 10:30 Sailing Club Monkstown
30th April Christian Aid United Service 11:15 St John’s
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s
7th May Confirmation Service 11:15 St John’s
14th May Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods
Youth Day Trip to Cork ‘Combating Homelessness’
27th May Parish Fête 10am – 2pm St Mary’s School
Parishioner Mary Cowhig, whom we know better as ‘MMPC’ in Random Notes, has written this lovely Easter Hymn.
(to the air of ‘While Shepherds watched)
On this Easter Sunday morn,
let our glad voices sing
a hymn of praise to Christ the Lord,
our Saviour and our King
To share good news with humankind.
He came down from on high.
The Shepherd’s flock rejected Him
and sent Him out to die.
On that wondrous Sunday morn,
God raised Him from the grave
to open Heaven’s gates once more
and humankind to save.
The Magdalen went to His tomb
ere dawn on Easter day,
but found there just an empty cave
the stone was rolled away
She thought it was a gardener
standing there close by,
but when she saw the risen Lord,
her heart was filled with joy.
Though countless generations pass,
the joyous tale lives on,
that God hath loved the world so much.
He sent His only Son
And we shall see them face to face
one day in Paradise
and to the throne of God most high,
our song of praise shall rise.
“Give glory to the Father now,
the Son and Holy Ghost,”
shalt be the everlasting hymn
of all the heavenly host.