Parish Notices Sunday 16th February 2014

Hilary Dring (Carrigaline Mothers’ Union Branch President ) writes….

‘Over the past couple of weeks we have heard about Jesus’ call to love and help our neighbour. In over 80 countries worldwide Mothers’ Union members reach out into their communities to support families in many different ways.  Just in the past couple of weeks the Mothers’ Union Emergency Relief Fund has given £25,000 to South Sudan to help bring urgent food and medical aid to displaced families there. Next Sunday, 23rd Feb, there will be a Famine Lunch after the 11 am service in St. Mary’s in aid of the Mothers’ Union Overseas/Relief Fund.  Another way of helping is to buy a Mothering Sunday gift through the ‘Make a Mother’s Day’ appeal at  Gifts start at €5. Since 2007 the appeal has raised over £1 million to help Mothers’ Union support mums and families all over the world.   Our Mothering Sunday Retiring Collection will go to this appeal. To help support mums in our own neck of the woods we invite women of all ages (from 18-108) to join us for a Candlelit Dinner at 8pm on Friday, 28th February at the Rectory. With Lent just around the corner there are some good resources to use in the family at Looking forward to seeing you at our lunch next week. ‘

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.

Parish Table Quiz. 8.30pm Canon McCrea School Hall,  Friday 21st February at 8.30pm. €10per person. €40 per table.  Refreshments. Raffle. Great fun to be had.  All proceeds in aid of Parish funds. All sponsorship, prizes or donations to the raffle greatly appreciated!  Contact Adrian Bateman for further information 086 8300379.

Mother’s Union Famine Lunch  next Sunday 23rd following the 11am Service in St Mary’s. Soup and rolls will be provided in the Parish Hall.  In lieu of what you might spend on Sunday lunch all donations will go towards MU Overseas/Relief fund.

Women’s Candlelit Dinner at the Rectory, Carrigaline on Friday, 28th February at 8pm. €5 per person, please let us know if you can bring a dessert or something to drink R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, 25th February to Hilary at 086-3680513 or

Mother’s Union-Pampering Day. Saturday 29th March at 2pm. Trident Hotel Kinsale. See fliers for details or contact Jennifer Kingston on 086-3236641

Parenting Group 6 Week course starting Tuesday 25th February at 8pm in the Parish Hall. It will be for parents of children up to age 11 years approx. Fliers at the back of the church of via email. Please contact Hilary on 086-3680513 or ASAP if you are interested. It will only run if the group is big enough.

St Luke’s Home Education Centre- Evening courses will be taking place in Mindfulness (6 Tuesdays from 4th February), Addressing Loss (6 Wednesdays from 19th February) and Basic Listening Skills ( 4 Thursdays from 6th March) The courses run from 7:30 – 9:30pm. A Saturday Morning Introduction to Mindfulness will take place on 25th January from 10:00am – 1:00pm. Please contact Claire at 021.4536551 for further details.

ARCHDEACON’S FAREWELL-Our farewell to the Venerable Robin Bantry-White as Archdeacon will take place in the Church of St Luke, Douglas on Thursday, 27th February 2014 at 8 p.m.  All are welcome and Clergy and Readers are invited to robe. We wish Robin and Faith all the best in the new phase of their life in Paulstown, Kilkenny. He has been a remarkably successful and much loved Rector, Archdeacon and Hospital Chaplain and he will be very much missed in Cork, Cloyne & Ross.

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club Next meeting will take place in the Canon McCrea School Hall on Monday 24 February at 8 pm. Jean Perry will give a talk on “Gardening at the Glebe Garden, Baltimore”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.

ANNUAL REVIEW OF VESTRY REGISTER is tomorrow night at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. It is the time of year to review who is registered as a vestry person in the Parish.  Being registered allows you to have a vote at the Easter Vestry (on May 6th) and allows you to be voted onto the Select Vestry or as a Nominator or Synods person. No-one will ever be strong-armed into a role they are uncomfortable with but it is nice to have a vote about who represents you on the Select Vestry or Synod so please do think about registering as a vestry person if you are not one already.



Feb 17th        Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall


Feb 17th        Annual Review of Vestry Register 7.30pm  in the Parish Hall. All welcome.

Feb 20th Children’s Movie Night 6-8pm Parish Hall

Feb 21st Parish Table Quiz. 8.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

Feb 23rd MU Famine Lunch after service in St Mary’s.

Feb 28th MU Candlelit dinner in the Rectory 8pm

Mar 1st  Preparation for Confirmation Morning with Bishop in Douglas 10am until 1pm

Mar 5th Ash Wednesday, Lent begins, Evening Prayer &  Bible Study 7.30pm each Wednesday evening

Mar 7th World Day of Prayer Service in Our Lady & St John’s 8pm

Mar 16th  St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaelige 7pm St Mary’s

April 13th – 10th    Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter Sunday

May 6th Easter Vestry, Annual General Meeting of Parish, 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

May 14th   Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am

May 31st Parish Fête

June 8th Pentecost Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s

Jun 15th Parish Picnic

Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 150 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s  sponsored diet ends today (hooray!).

July 21st  – July 25th    Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’


Random  Notes No. LXXXV

With all the flooding recently, I thought I would share a story relayed to me by a retired neighbour. Eileen O’Connell (“Aunty Eileen”) – aunt-in-law to Rob Jones from Passage, grew up in Carrigaloe, Cobh. Her father used to row the ferry between Peg’s pub and Ferrypoint in Glenbrook.

In 1952, she was studying in UCC. One particularly damp evening, the railway line was flooded so passengers (including Aunty Eileen) due to travel from Cork to Cobh were all put on to a bus. As the bus was just about to pass the entrance to Fota House, it got stuck in a flood. The engine broke down, and the passengers soon found themselves standing on the seats to avoid the flooded waters. In those days, the main body of  buses were made of wood, so it began to float! One of the passengers decided to wade/swim to Fota house to get a rowing boat. He rowed it back to the bus and ferried all the passengers in to Fota House. Mrs Bell then treated them all to hot tea and scones. She was well known for her philanthropy!

Having warmed up, the passengers were then rowed back to Belvelly and on to dry land. I wonder if such resourcefulness and initiative would happen in 2014?!



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 17, 2014

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