Parish Notices Sunday 16th February 2020

Mother’s Union Wednesday 19th February at 8pm in the Parish Hall. “A few Steps on the Wild Side”, a talk and photos of Clare Poole’s trip to the Rockies last summer. Supper provided.

Carrigaline Welcome Project Table Quiz-Friday, 21st February 2020 in Carrigaline GAA Club.

Table of 4 for €40. Doors open at 7.30pm.  Start 8pm.

We are working together to welcome a refugee family into the community of Carrigaline in 2020.This is a community sponsorship initiative supported by Carrigaline Ecumenical Project Team (CEPT). 

FLOWER ROTA/BELL ROTA If anyone would like to try their hand at a new skill there are spaces on the Flower rota and  Bell rota in St Mary’s Church. Contact Joy Keefe on 0872559844 for further information.  Flower rota will be in pairs so anybody wishing to try their hand at it, the will be joined by somebody with experience. Training will be given to anyone who would like to try ringing the bells!

Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown Grow It Yourself Group welcome special guest speaker Mags Coughlan, Head Gardener, Ballymaloe Walled Gardens on Thursday 20 February at 7:30pm to the Church of Ireland Hall in Passage West. Mag’s talk is for gardener’s of all abilities: Grow More to Eat More!  €5 on door.  All welcome – including visitors and new members too.  Refreshments will be served.

Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their next meeting on Monday 24 February @ 8 pm in the Canon McCrea hall. Colman Power will give a talk on “How to grow organic vegetables” New members and visitors welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.

Carrigaline Library

Tots Time session for pre-schoolers and little ones, on Thursday mornings at 10am. Come along for rhymes and songs. This will run in term time only.  On Friday 21st Feb during the mid-term we will have Giant Games at the library. Games include Connect 4, Jenga, Draughts, Chess and Snakes and Ladders. Drop in between 10am and 12 to give them a try. No booking needed for this event, but parents must stay with the children during the event.

On Saturday afternoons from 3.30pm drop in to play Board games. Enjoy retro board games – Guess Who, Monopoly, Connect 4, Scrabble and more – perfect for some screen-free family time.

Our February Gramophone session will take place on Thursday 20 Feb at 11am. All welcome.

Finally, if anyone is interested in registering for Age Action                   Getting Started with Computers classes which take place on Wednesday mornings from 11am, please contact the library on 021-4371888.

Music Notes 16-02-2020 

Francis Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) who wrote the lyrics for the hymn ‘Take my life’ was one of the many women hymn writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The hymn is a dedication of oneself to God and reflects her many talents: hands – she was a fine musician, feet – she was an athlete, voice – she was a well-known speaker. The hymn also mentions silver and gold, however she once said: “I never spend a sixpence without the distinct feeling that it is His, and must be spent for Him only, even if indirectly”. #a mighty girl!

17th Feb          Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

19th Feb        Mother’s Union 8pm Parish Hall

20th Feb          Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

                      Women of the Bible Study. 7:45pm. Parish Hall

21st Feb        Carrigaline Welcome Project Table Quiz. 7:30pm GAA Club, Carrigaline

23rd Feb Give us a Song charity concert. 8pm St Mary’s Church

26th Feb Ash Wednesday 10:30am & 7:30pm St Mary’s

2nd March Review of Vestry Register 7:30pm Parish Hall

4th March Evening Prayer 7:30pm St Mary’s 8pm Bible Study in the Parish Hall

29th March   No morning services in Monkstown/Carrigaline, 11:30am Installation of the Rector as Canon in St Factna’s Cathedral in Rosscarbery.

7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing St John’s

 Random Notes  no. CCCXXXI

For the dog who has everything, (including an owner with time to spare), here is a recipe taken from the book, “Cooking For Your Dog” by Ingeborg Pils.

Honey Dog Biscuits.

5oz (150g) whole wheat flour

5oz (150g) porridge oats

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 oz (30g) butter

2 tablespoons honey

2 eggs

3 fl ozs (100ml) milk

Flour for dusting

Mix flour, oats and baking powder together thoroughly.

Add the butter in small flakes, plus the honey, eggs and milk. Knead together thoroughly.

Preheat the oven to 400F, (200C). Cover a baking tray with baking parchment.

Roll the dough out about half inch (1cm) thick on a floured surface. Cut out round biscuit shapes. Place them on the baking tray,

leaving some space between them. Bake for 15-20 mins. Turn off the heat and allow the biscuits to dry out for a further two hours in the oven.

(Surprisingly there wasn’t any recipe for Rough Wuff Pastry!)


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 17, 2020

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