Parish Notices Sunday 17th September 2017
The Rector writes ’Next week in St Mary’s Church we will have our annual Blessing of the Animals Service and I hope to meet many of my Furry, Feathery and indeed Scaly parishioners there. For some of you the 9.30am Eucharist in St John’s may seem the saner option! ‘
MOTHERS’ UNION-We will celebrate together with a Holy Communion Service at 8 pm on 20th September in St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline. There will be cards, calendars, etc for sale and we will have a short AGM followed by supper. All welcome, especially new members!
This year, instead of our annual conference, we are organising a ‘A Day Away From It All’ at Inchydoney Lodge Hotel on Saturday, 23rd September from 12 noon – 3.30pm. It will be an opportunity to relax and spend time with friends. The lunch, organised by Kate Ryan of, will be based around local food producers and their story, will include a drink and will be followed by a walk on the beach and a visit to Clonakilty Community Garden. Tickets €37.50 per person. Advance booking is essential. All welcome (not just for Mothers’ Union members) so bring your friend, partner, husband, whoever!! For more info talk to Hilary on 086-3680513.
Monkstown Home Group will recommence at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 26th September at the home of John Sweeney, Suaimhneas, Upper Ardmore, Passage West. The theme for this year is “My favourite bible story and why”. John Sweeney will lead the first session. Thereafter, participants will be invited to choose one bible story, giving a brief introduction (5-10 minutes) to what it is s/he likes about it, followed by our reading it together and discussion. For further details please contact John Sweeney on 087-0656290.
Carrigaline Union Harvest Supper-Saturday 7th October at 7.30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All Welcome. Ticket 15 euro includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes 0872035000 or Joy Keefe 0872559844 for tickets or the Parish Office.
St. Mary’s Indoor Bowls Club has reopened on Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087 6100717 or Henry Forbes 087 2035000.
Monkstown Chamber Choir have returned to practice. Meeting on Thursday evenings in St Johns Church at 8pm. New members welcome. Contact choirmaster Roger Ellis on 087 053 9416.
Culture Night. Friday 22nd September 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Marmullane (Passage West). Local historian, Colman O’Mahony will give a talk on the history of the church, a walk around the fascinating graveyard and the many interesting families associated with it. Hear the new replacement organ – the only Henry Speechley organ in Ireland. Free entry.
Owenabue Garden and flower Club, Carrigaline will next meet on Monday 25th Sept at 8 pm in St Marys school hall, Carrigaline . A talk will be given on “The Winter Garden” by Mary Keenan, of Gash Gardens and Nursery, Portlaoise. Mary is a regular contributor of gardening articles to the Irish Garden Magazine. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.
18th Sept Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
18th Sept Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
20th Sept Mother’s Union HC Service. 8pm St Mary’s Church.
23rd Sept Mothers’ Union Day Away. Inchydoney.
24th Sept Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s
26th Sept Monkstown Home Group. 8pm. John Sweeney’s home.
1st Oct United Harvest Celebration 11am St Mary’s Preacher : Keith Dyde
‘Bring & Share’ Lunch in Parish Hall after the Service
7th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
8th Oct United Harvest Celebration 11:15am St John’s Preacher : The Revd Tony Murphy
Eco Congregation Climate Justice Candle will be lit
Random Notes No. CCXLVI
Next week will be our annual animal blessing service in St Mary’s Church. When it comes to animal vs human contest, the human usually wins, but here are two tales where the animals turned the tables.
During the 1798 rebellion, a regiment of soldiers were sent to capture the rebel leader Bagenal Harvey’s castle. During the attempt to seize the castle, the attackers had the misfortune of blundering into a line of hives in the dark. Their occupants were not pleased at being disturbed and the would-be captors of the castle ended up fleeing in chaos, hotly pursued by furious bees.
We are told that elephants never forget and it seems that neither did this horse. In 1734, a gentleman’s horse suddenly grabbed a man’s arm with its teeth and threw him to the ground, then lay upon him. The horse resisted all efforts to be coaxed or beaten off and had to be shot. The man survived, but his arm had been broken during the incident. It seems that the injured man had gelded the same horse some time before and it had been out for revenge.
(From Foster’s Historical Irish Oddities)