Parish Notices Sunday 1st December 2019
The Rector writes ‘ During the last couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about what we can do to help and reach out at this time of the year. I read this sentence during the week ‘People of means have a special obligation before God to ensure justice for those who are poor and vulnerable’ and it reminded me of this wonderful cartoon.
Justice is really a different matter than mere equality. For many people, homeless or driven from their own countries, life is just so stacked against them and we are all called to do what we can, both locally and internationally. Our Giving Tree, beautifully made by William Warren-Perry, gives us an opportunity to help those in need of food in Cork City this winter (via Penny Dinners).
The Christmas Gift Cards for the ‘Carrigaline Welcomes Group’ which are now available from the Parish Office will go towards helping a Refugee family settle in our area and I hope to have a list of items that the Direct Provision Centre urgently needs soon.’
Please note we have upgraded our email server and emails are now coming from Please update your address book and save us as a favourite to ensure parish emails don’t go into spam or junk.
Christian Aid Calendars for 2020 are available at the back of both churches at a price of €10. Payment can be given to the wardens who will pass it on to John Sweeney, our Christian Aid rep.
Mother’s Union Christmas Lunch. Wednesday 4th December at 1230pm in RCYC. Two courses including tea/coffee €25. You can pay Hilary Warren-Perry or Val Andrew in advance or on the day.
Monkstown Home Group has been rescheduled until the New Year to allow members to attend the Christmas Film Night on Wednesday 11th December at 7pm in the Parish Hall.
Christmas Gift Cards are available from the Parish Office, costing 10 euro each, your donation will go towards the resettlement of a Refugee family in our area.
Music Notes 01-12-2019
John Mason Neale (1818-1866) , who translated the hymn O Come Emmanuel, was one of the most noted hymnodists of the nineteenth century. While studying at Cambridge University he founded the Cambridge Ecclesiological Society with a group of friends interested in the study of church architecture. They promoted the use of Gothic architecture and stained glass which became the model for many of our church buildings. We remember Neale at Christmas especially as he wrote the popular carol Good King Wenceslas published in 1849, based on a Bohemian legend.
2nd Dec Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
4th Dec Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
Mother’s Union Lunch. 1230pm RCYC
11th December Christmas Film Night,’Risen’ 7pm in the Parish Hall . Mulled wine & Popcorn!
15th December Carrigaline Community Carols, 7:30pm St Mary’s
22nd December Nine Lessons & Carols, 4pm , St John’s Church
24th December Carols around the Crib, 4pm , St Mary’s
First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s
25th December Eucharist 9.30am St John’s 11am St Mary’s
29th December 11:15am United Christingle Service St Mary’s
Hannukah Ceremony Service, 4:30 in Shalom Park , Cork City.
6th January 10am Epiphany Service in St Mary’s School,
6th & 13th January 8pm Whist Class, Parish Hall
18th January Special Whist Night 8:30pm in Canon McCrea Hall for CEPT Carrigaline Welcomes Group
Random Notes CCCXXV
“Monkstown Chamber Choir will sing at Advent Choral Evensong in Timoleague next Sunday 8th December, and it reminded me of the strange, true story of “The Timoleague Chalice”.
In 1851, the parish priest on Cape Clear Island, Father Henry Leader was celebrating Mass in a small house at the western end of the island. During the Mass he noticed a small old chest in an alcove. He became very curious and asked the owner of the house what was kept in it. The answer was a strange one. Because the owner, Eabhair O’Drisceoil, said he did not know and the box had never been opened. He told the priest that many years before, his ancestors had found a small boat drifting at sea. There were three Friars in it, two of whom had perished from exposure. But one was still alive! They brought him back to the island and looked after him well. Before leaving again, the grateful Friar left the box for safekeeping with the family with instructions of never to open or tamper with it until he returned. But he never returned. The box was passed down from generation to generation. Father Henry ordered that the box be opened. In it, under some decayed vestments, they found a Chalice with the inscription “Ferv min; conv de-Timolaggi”, meaning that it had come from Timoleague. The famous Franciscan Abbey in Timoleague had been ransacked by English troops in 1642. The chalice was sent back to Timoleague Parish Church, where it remains to this day. All thanks to the people of Cape Clear Island who had kept it safe and sound for over 200 years. The Timoleague Chalice is pictured above.