Parish Notices Sunday 22nd September 2013

The Rector writes ‘I recently asked in St Mary’s Church if there was anyone who would like to read in Church and was delighted to have another couple of people join the rota.  If this is something that you feel you would like to do, please contact me.    I have an excellent little booklet explaining all about reading in Church and we can practise a little before you go ‘solo’ .  Another valuable ministry open to all is to lead prayers in church. Obviously a certain amount of preparation is required of the person who is leading the intercessions. We are very lucky to have Joy, Simon, Kay, Peter &, John who already lead prayers on a monthly basis and I would like to invite anyone who feels drawn to this type of ministry to come along to an Intercessions Workshop in St Mary’s Church on Saturday 7th December.  It will be from 10am until 12 and we will go through how to structure the prayers and what resources (books, internet sites etc) are available to help you put the prayers together.  If this is for you, then you have 2 months notice so that you can put the date in your diary! ‘


TEA and COFFEE will be available after the St Mary’s Service in the Parish Hall. There has been several requests to have tea and coffee available after every 11am service in Carrigaline. In order to do this we really need to have more volunteers on the rota. If you can help with this important ministry of hospitality, please let Christine in the office know. If you are new to helping with tea and coffee, you will be paired up with someone who knows where everything is in the kitchen so please do think about volunteering, thank you.

MAKING THE MOST OF THE YEARS. A 6-Week Parenting Course coming up in the autumn on the following dates – all Mondays – at 8pm at St. Mary’s Parish Hall (next to the church)30th Sept, 7th & 14th October, 4th, 11th & 18th November. Booking forms available at the back of the churches or via email. Contact Hilary Dring at  086-3680513 or or St. Mary’s Parish Office 4374045.

CARRIGALINE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB are holding their monthly CAR BOOT SALE at the Circus Field Carrigaline ( next to Lidl on Crosshaven Rd.) until 2pm today.  Proceeds are in aid of the Carrigaline Youth Centre Building Project.

Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will be holding their next meeting on Monday 23rd September at 8 pm. in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s school , (entrance is beside the main gates to the Community School).  The lecture entitled “Go forth and multiply – Plant propagation in your garden” will be given by Pat Lenihan. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086-8091627.

Monkstown Homegroup  next meet on Wednesday 25th September at 8.00 pm at John Sweeney’s home, Suaimhneas, Upper Church Road, Upper Ardmore, Rochestown, Tel  485 9826. We shall continue to study the Gospel of St Luke using Simon Jones’s guide (1999) Crossway Books Leicester, available from the Christian Book shop in Cork.

Youth Club Barbecue. Friday 27th September 7.30-10pm in St Mary’s Church Hall. For further information please contact Peter Coughlan 0863453361.

Harvest Supper 7.30pm on Saturday 12th October in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All Welcome. Ticket 15 euro includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes or Adrian Bateman for tickets.

MOTHERS’ UNION our Annual Women’s Conference takes place this year from 22nd-24th November in Garryvoe Hotel.  It is always a relaxing, inspiring, fun weekend and really worth attending. Further information and booking forms are available from Hilary. If you need any further information please contact either the parish office or talk to Hilary Dring at 4378439 or 086-3680513



You might like to book  3 dates  in your diary over the next few months as the Revd Tony Murphy has chosen 3 movies/documentaries to be shown on 3 Thursdays : 26 September,  24 October and 21st November.   Each movie/documentary has been chosen for a specific theme relating to how  Christian Groups responded  to various issues which occurred. The first night which is on this Thursday 26th September  is a Documentary on the role of Christian and Muslim Women in Liberia West Africa  who were determined to bring the long running civil war to an end in that country in 2003.  Before we view the movie, the Revd Tony will give a  brief Introduction to the history of that country and the background to the civil conflict and we will of course finish up with some light refreshments. We will meet in the Parish hall at 7.30pm on the night.

St. Mary’s indoor bowls club has re-opened. Meeting each Tuesday at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall.  New members welcome.  For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087 6100717 or Henry Forbes  087 2035000.



Sept 23rd        Toddlers plus one Group 10am St Mary’s Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm St Mary’s Parish Hall

Sept 25th         Monkstown Home Group 8pm

Sept 26th         Movie Night. 7.30pm St Mary’s Parish Hall.

Sept 27th Youth Club Barbecue 7.30-10pm St Mary’s Church Hall

Sept 29th United Service:  Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am

United Eucharist Service of Healing  St John’s 7pm

Oct 2nd Theological Book Circle. 8pm. The Rectory

Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall. 7.30pm

Oct 13th  St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching

Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night, 6pm St Mary’s Parish Hall

Nov 16th Parish Quiet Day in St Mary’s Parish Hall

Fr. James McSweeney will lead, meeting at 9.30 for coffee

then 10am until 2pm.

Nov 24th Annual Gift Day in the Rectory.

Dec 7th         Intercessions Workshop, St Mary’s Church 10-12

Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church


Random Notes LXX

A short distance to the south east of the Church at Carrigaline there stands a handsome little limestone building, about which, as yet, but little is known, save that it is the tomb of the family of Morgan, of Kilnagleary, near Carrigaline.

Erected most probably in the mid nineteenth century, the building is principally remarkable for the massiveness of its construction, most evident in the heavy limestone slabs with which it is roofed, and the impressive quadruple arch forming the entrance. The whole is without any form of inscription.

It is thought most likely that the builder of the tomb was James Morgan (1780-1853), of Tivoli, Cork, and Brookfield (later known as Kilnagleary House, near Carrigaline) [both houses are now no more, having succumbed to the demolisher’s hammer in the early 1950’s]. What is known, with reasonable certainty, is that James Morgan is buried at     Carrigaline, his funeral having taken place in the Church on Thursday, 22nd December, 1853, as are subsequent other members of the family, the most recent, and the last to be buried within the tomb, being Muriel (‘Dolly’) Morgan, nee Lumsden, aged ninety, on Friday, 4th May, 1984. She was the widow of Major Thomas Poole Morgan (1878-1951, of Kilnagleary, grandson of James Morgan.

Illustrating these notes are three photographs, taken in c.1975; 1991, and 1992, the earliest showing the degree of neglect which the tomb has suffered, prior to its restoration by the late Thomas Lumsden (‘Tom’) Morgan of Kilnagleary; the second some time after its restoration; and the third, taken the following year from scaffolding which surrounded the Church during its being re-roofed in 1992. It will be noted that all three were taken before the construction of the housing estate that now exists to the east of the Churchyard.                                                                                                              K.L.R

Morgan tomb, Carrigaline Churchyard, c.1975

Morgan tomb, Carrigaline Churchyard, 16th Hune, 1992Morgan tomb, Carrigaline Churchyard, 15th August, 1991

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 23, 2013

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