Parish Notices Sunday 25th October 2015
The Rector writes ‘We will be hearing a lot about Climate Change issues in the media in the lead up to COP21. As we are an Eco Congregation Parish, people may ask us about it so perhaps this might help us understand exactly what it is. France is hosting the ‘21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’ (COP21 for short) in Paris from Nov 30th to Dec 11th. At this crucial conference, those attending will be trying to achieve a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming to below 2°C . Christians from Paris and surrounding areas, Climate ‘Pilgrims’ from all over the world, Faith Leaders, Agencies and NGOs will also be taking part and we are all being encouraged to support the conference through common prayer. You can read more about the faith involvement at’
28th October Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
29th October Children’s Movie Night 6pm Parish Hall
30th October CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 10.30 to 12
1st Nov Reflective Service for All Saints Day 7pm St Mary’s
4th Nov Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
8th Nov Remembrance Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s
21st Nov Parish Quiet Day 11am – 3pm, Parish Hall.
22nd Nov Gift Day in Rectory 12 – 3pm.
29th Nov United Service 11am St Mary’s Carrigaline
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s Monkstown
Some of the Gravestones behind St Mary’s Church have been deemed unstable by our Health & Safety team and are marked with red and white Hazard Tape while the County Council address the problem. Please do not let your children play near these gravestones. Thank you.
Firewood for sale from the Rectory garden. Call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000 to arrange collection or delivery.
Women’s weekend. ‘Family matters’ will be a weekend of fun, refreshment and relaxation with speaker Bishop Richard Henderson. 13-15 November, Garryvoe Hotel, Castlemartyr. All (women!) welcome. Booking Forms available from the back of the church or from Hilary Dring. 086-3680513.
Life after Separation/Divorce; A course for those coming through troubled relationships who have either separated or divorced in the recent past will take place in a private but friendly setting in the Carrigaline Court Hotel. This course will be run in Dublin also by two other relationship counsellors, who are on the C. of I. Marriage Council, based in Church of Ireland House, Dublin. The course will start on Thursday 11 November for 4 consecutive Thursdays 730-9pm. Please contact Deirdre Whitley (M.R.C.S. Cert. H.Dip. Couns.)If you have any queries, or would like to meet to discuss contact her on 0862612442 or email
The Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork Support Group, are holding a meeting on Tuesday 3rd November at 8pm in SMA Centre Wilton. Topic: Preparing for Christmas Night. A Taste and Chew Night ( Make or bake and bring along) with a Cooking demo. by Michelle O’Connor Coeliac society and Avril Allshire Howe, from Rosscarbery Recipes. €5 entry.
Flowerpots needed! Hazel Fleury is looking for Flowerpots. If you have any spare ones lying around, especially 5 inch and larger then please let her know! 086-8157821
Random Notes CXLXVIII
Fans of the TV program ‘Who do you think you are? ’ might find their own ancestors listed below.
Wm Bond 1311
Geoffrey White 1426
Geoffrey White 1434
Matthew Deane 1669
John Newenham 1671
Wm Roberts 1697
Simon Dring 1701
Daniel Pierce 1722
Thomas Brown 1727
Mathias Smith 1752
John Smith 1763
James Kingston 1787
Kingsmill Berry 1797
Thos Dorman 1811
Henry Roberts 1621
John Newenham 1665
Wm White 1687
Wm Roberts 1690
Simon Dring 1693
Daniel Pierce 1705
Samuel Wilson 1709
Wm Newenham 1732
Robert Dring 1733
R.Newenham 1750
Thos Newenham 1756
James Kingston 1780
Isaac Morgan 1821
George W. Foott 1830
Randal Howe 1833
George Foott 1834
High Sheriffs of Co. Cork
Callaghan O’Callaghan 1620
Sir Matt Deane 1714
Sir Robert Deane 1773
Wm W. Newenham 1787
Wm H.W. Newenham 1823
Simon Dring 1827
Richard White 1838
Your (possible) ancestors were a respectable bunch! MMPC