Parish Notices Sunday 27th September 2015

The Rector writes  ‘Last Sunday evening, 20th September, David Compton was ordained Deacon in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral. David will serve in Kilmocomogue Union (Bantry) with Canon Paul Willoughby. Then on Friday 25th, the Reverend David Bowles was ordained Priest in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral to serve as Curate Assistant in Douglas Union with Frankfield alongside the Archdeacon, the Venerable Adrian Wilkinson. Our prayers are with both Davids as they begin their ministry in our diocese.

God our Father, Lord of all the world, through your Son you have called us into the fellowship of your universal Church: hear our prayer for your faithful people that in their vocation and ministry each may be an instrument of your love, and give to your servants now ordained the needful gifts of grace; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Some of the Gravestones behind St Mary’s Church  have been deemed unstable by our Health & Safety team and are marked with red and white Hazard Tape while the County Council address the problem. Please do not let your children play near these gravestones. Thank you.

Monkstown Homegroup meets on Tuesday 6th October at 8pm at John Sweeney’s home Suiamhneas, Upper Ardmore, Passage West. All welcome.

Flowerpots needed! Hazel Fleury is looking for Flowerpots. If you have any spare ones lying around, especially 5 inch and larger then please let her know! 086-8157821

Do you need support with parenting? Parenting plus support  programme commencing the week Monday  21st Sept -Evenings 7.30 to 9.30 for parents of  0-6 , 6-12, adolescent and for parents who are separated/divorced. If interested please contact Carrigaline Family Support Centre on 021 – 4919299.

Life after Separation/Divorce; A course for those coming through troubled relationships who have either separated or divorced in the recent past will take place in a private but friendly setting in the Carrigaline Court Hotel. This course will be run in Dublin also by two other relationship counsellors, who are on the C. of I. Marriage Council, based in Church of Ireland House, Dublin.  The course will start in early October and be run over 4 Thursday evenings. Please contact Deirdre Whitley (M.R.C.S. Cert. H.Dip. Couns.)If you have any queries, or would like to meet to discuss contact her on 0862612442 or email

GRIEF AND LOSS SUPPORT. An 8 week programme starts Monday 5th October at Our Lady & John Parish Centre, Carrigaline. Tel 4371109 for further information.

Owenabue Garden and Flower club, next meeting will be held tomorrow Monday 28 September at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall.  The speaker will be Bruno Nicolia, Blackrock, who was the winner of the Irish episode of the Sky Channels “Show me your  garden competition”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries  0863222615.

CLEANER REQUIRED St. Mary’s National School  requires a cleaner for 5 days a week ,3 hours a day 2.30-5.30p.m.  Monday to Friday.  To apply, please send CV to Principal, St. Mary’s N.S. Waterpark, Carrigaline.


 Sept 28th   Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall


6th October Monkstown Home Group 8pm. John Sweeney’s home.

8th October     Friendship Club 11am Rectory

10th October Harvest Supper & Dance 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

16th October Youth Club 7pm – 9pm Parish Hall

21st October Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall

28th October Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

29th October Children’s Movie Night 6pm Parish Hall

30th October CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club

31st October Rector preaching at Vigil Mass, Our Lady & St John

1st Nov Reflective Service for All Saints Day 7pm St Mary’s

21st Nov Parish Quiet Day 11am – 3pm, Parish Hall.

22nd Nov Gift Day in Rectory 12 – 3pm.

29th Nov United Service 11am St Mary’s Carrigaline

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s Monkstown


Random Notes CXLXV

Walkers in Monkstown will be familiar with the “Cut and Cover”- the old railway tunnel, just beyond the pier on the way to Glenbrook. This area is known as “The Giants Stairs” and before the tunnel, road and nearby houses were built, referred to a series of steep protruding rocks leading from the Carrigmahon precipice down to the shore. Just after the tunnel is located “Tobin’s Quay”. Popular with fishermen now, the white limestone quay was built by the government and was used occasionally for landing and shipping ordnance stores and military equipment. In May 1848, 1,100 stands of arms, gunpowder, shot and grenades were landed there and transferred to Fermoy and Clonmel barracks. The Tobin family owned “Rock Lodge” house in the 1840’s and the quay formed part of the lower boundary of the property. When the new lower Monkstown to Glenbrook road was built, a lodge and entrance gates were built just opposite Tobin’s Quay, the remains of which are vaguely evident today.

The quay was partially demolished during construction work for the railway extension at the beginning of the twentieth century, but it is still a pleasant feature.

Monkstown walk




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 28, 2015

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