Parish Notices Sunday 29th December 2019

The Rector writes ‘Today’s Gospel from Matthew tells us about how the Holy Family had to flee Palestine in order to avoid being slaughtered by Herod’s soldiers. Yesterday 28th December is the day that this ‘Slaughter of the Holy Innocents’ is remembered.

I found a very interesting item from the Irish Times of 1928 which is printed on the back ..….. Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times now! 

I would like to thank you all for everything  you have done for the Parish in 2019 and I wish you all a 

PARISH OFFICE closed until Friday 3rd January.

DIOCESAN MAGAZINE 2020 subscriptions are now due. Please give your subscription to the Church Wardens or leave in the Parish Office.

CONFIRMATION If you would like to be confirmed in 2020 then please let the Rector know. The classes will be beginning on 23rd January and will be held in the Rectory Thursdays 5-6:30pm

Littlies Plus One-HELP! The toddler group needs some more people to help out. Are you free on a Monday morning for 2.5 hours? Could you go on our Rota and help out every 4/5 weeks? Please contact Hilary on 086-3680513.

Christian Aid Calendars for 2020 are available at the back of both churches at a price of €10. Payment can be given to the wardens who will pass it on to John Sweeney, our Christian Aid rep.

Monkstown home group is scheduled for Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 8pm in Lesley Robert’s home – Mount Rivers Carrigaline. 


There will be a Charity Whist Night in the Canon McCrea Hall on Saturday 18th January with all funds raised going to local Carrigaline Welcome Project (Community Sponsorship Project to welcome a Refugee family in the area) Please do support the night.   If you can’t already play Whist, you have a chance to learn on 6th or 13th  January when there will be classes in the Parish Hall beginning at 8pm, come along and watch the Rector make a fool of herself!  Huge thanks to Henry Forbes and Barney Deane for the organising of this Whist Night Fundraiser and if you have any item suitable for a Spot / Raffle Prize, just let them know. Thank you.

Don’t forget you can use your Christingle as a table centre piece. If anyone asks what it is, you can explain that the Orange represents the World, the red ribbon is the passion of Christ, the four cocktail sticks are the compass points (North, South, East and West), the raisins is all the fruit of God’s Creation and finally the candle represent Jesus, the Light of the World.

29th Dec       11:15am United Christingle Service St Mary’s 

                  Hannukah Ceremony Service, 4:30 in Shalom Park , Cork City.

6th Jan         10am Epiphany Service in St Mary’s School, 

                     Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

6th  & 13th    8pm Whist Class, Parish Hall

8th Jan         Monkstown Home Group. 8pm Lesley Robert’s home.

18th Jan        Special Whist Night 8:30pm in Canon McCrea Hall for CEPT Carrigaline Welcomes Group

Holy Innocents’ or Childermas Day has been observed from very early in the history of the Church in commemoration of the slaughter of the children of Bethlehem by order of Herod, and in bygone times some of the horrors of the massacre were re-enacted in many households in the form of a smart whipping administered to the juvenile members of the family.     Long ago the learned Gregory wrote:

“It hath been a custom, and yet is, to whip up the children upon Innocents’ Day morning, that the memory of Herod’s murder of the innocents might stick the closer, and in a moderate proportion to act over the cruelties in kind.”

Considering the nature of the tragic events commemorated it is not surprising that Childermas has long borne the reputation of being the unluckiest day of the whole year.

The Irish Times,

December 28th, 1928

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 3, 2020

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