Parish Notices Sunday 2nd February 2020

The Rector writes ‘The Church of Ireland’s child protection policy, ‘Safeguarding Trust’ has been in place since 1997 and was included in the Constitution of the Church of Ireland in 2006. It is the policy of the Church of Ireland to set standards for the welfare of all children sharing in its ministry with a view to protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. I’m sure you have all seen the posters in our churches and halls with the photos and contact details of our Parish panel; myself, John Sweeney and Rosemary Powell. Adherence to this code by our parish means that the children using our premises for worship and other activities such as Sunday Club or Youth Club have their general safety and welfare promoted while being protected from all kinds of abuse. As well as regular meetings of the Panel (we met just last Monday 27th), we also meet annually with the Select Vestry (planned for June this year). You can find out more about Safeguarding Trust at
Carrigaline Welcome Project Table Quiz –
Friday, 21st February 2020 in Carrigaline GAA Club.We are working together to welcome a refugee family into the community of Carrigaline in 2020.This is a community sponsorship initiative supported by Carrigaline Ecumenical Project Team (CEPT).
FLOWER ROTA/BELL ROTA If anyone would like to try their hand at a new skill there are spaces on the Flower rota and Bell rota in St Mary’s Church. Contact Joy Keefe on 0872559844 for further information. Flower rota will be in pairs so anybody wishing to try their hand at it, the will be joined by somebody with experience. Training will be given to anyone who would like to try ringing the bells!

GIVE US A SONG CONCERT in St Mary’s Church at 8pm on Sunday 9th February. This is the 4th year that this fundraiser for Cancer Research for the Caroline Foundation has been held in St Mary’s.
Music Notes 02-02-2020

The hymn ‘Be Thou my vision’ is set to a melody called ‘Slane’.
Both melody and lyrics have a long Irish heritage. The words were found in two Irish manuscripts at the Royal Irish Academy and are thought to date to the eighth century. The melody was collected by P.W. Joyce and published by the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland in 1909. The tune is named for the hill where St. Patrick lit his Easter flame to challenge the pagan king Loegaire.
Musical Date for your Diary : Join our #BigSing at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral to rehearse and perform one of our history’s most magnificent choral works, Vivaldi’s Gloria, and all in one afternoon! Save the date, Sat 8th February. Peter Stobart

3rd Feb Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
6th Feb Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
9th Feb Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Give us a Song Concert 8pm St Mary’s Church
12th Feb Monkstown Home Group , 8pm Mount Rivers, (Lesley Robert’s home)
13th Feb Friendship Club 11am Rectory
Women of the Bible Study. 7:45pm. Parish Hall
21st Feb Carrigaline Welcome Project Table Quiz. 7:30pm GAA Club, Carrigaline
26th Feb Ash Wednesday 10:30am & 7:30pm St Mary’s
4th March Evening Prayer 7:30pm St Mary’s 8pm Bible Study in the Parish Hall
29th March No morning services in Monkstown/Carrigaline, 11:30am Installation of the Rector as Canon in St Factna’s Cathedral in Rosscarbery.
7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing St John’s
Plant for our Planet

One hundred and fifty young Irish Oak saplings have been donated for planting. They are free of charge and available as single trees or multiples.
The oak tree supports the most wildlife of all our native trees – over 300 species from insects to deer, squirrels and badgers – a great asset to our biodiversity.
If interested please contact John Andrew on 087-2556147 or email:

Carrigaline Union Eco Congregation group