Parish Notices Sunday 30th July 2017
Rector’s Holiday Arrangements
The Douglas Clergy will cover pastoral emergencies from 1st August until 26th August. Telephone 021-4891539
Sunday Services:
6th Morning Prayer, St John’s, Holy Communion St Mary’s : The Rt Revd Michael Mayes
13th Morning Prayer St John’s, Morning Prayer St Mary’s : Mr George Quinn
20th Holy Communion, St John’s, Holy Communion St Mary’s : The Rt Revd Michael Mayes
Wednesday Services:
2nd Holy Communion : The Revd Tony Murphy
9th Holy Communion : The Revd Tony Murphy
16th Holy Communion : The Revd Edwin Hunter
23rd Holy Communion : The Revd Edwin Hunter
31st July Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
(last one until September 4th)
August Rector on Vacation
2nd August Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s
(Revd Tony Murphy)
8th Sept Parish BBQ
14th Sept Friendship Club 11am Rectory
15th Sept Youth Club 7:30pm till 9:30pm Parish Hall