Parish Notices Sunday 30th October 2016

The Rector writes    ‘November is the month of the year when we traditionally remember those whom we have loved and who are no longer with us.  In our parish we have again had so many sad deaths during this last year.

On Tuesday 1st, for the 3rd year, at 7:30pm in St Mary’s, we will have a ‘Remembering Service’ of quiet

reflection where there will be an opportunity to remember those who have died. May I also recommend tonight’s 7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing in St John’s for anyone who feels in need of quiet prayer. Our Church Services are so full of words and of course this is worthwhile,

after all, today is Bible Sunday when we celebrate the words of the Bible! But we also do need silence in Church, a time when we can just be with God quietly.

As the wonderful hymn puts it,

Breathe through the heats of our desire

Thy coolness and Thy balm;

Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;

Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,

O still, small voice of calm.


Monkstown Home Group  Wednesday 2nd November. The Rector will be speaking about her experiences at Windsor at the home of William and Hilary Warren-Perry, Monkstown.

Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.

Apparently in Carrigaline Union it is never too early to begin to think about Christmas…..

This December (Saturday 10th/Sunday 11th) we are going to have a Live Crib along with other Seasonal festivities & fun in St Mary’s Church grounds with choirs, music and mulled wine to delight all-comers.

This will take place from 2-5.30pm each day…..

….and so we need lots of helpers!

If you can act, build, bake, mind animals, serve coffee, sing carols……please contact Rowland Newenham on 087-2522541.

For the Live Crib Pageant we are calling on anyone interested in portraying the Christmas Story (Relax,apart from the narrator, where will be no lines to learn!) to attend a meeting at 8pm on Wednesday 2nd or Thursday 3rd November in St Mary’s Church. Any queries to Mary Murphy on 087-2780902.

Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is  holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 2nd of November from 19:30 to 21:00 in Brú Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.


Saturday 5th   November , 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Free admittance.

Teaching &  Living the Book of Revelation  in  today’s world with Craig Blomberg.

Pastoral Caring in a local church– Opportunities &  Challenges with Joan Singleton.

Organised by IBI in co-operation with Carrigrohane Union of Parishes. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring your own lunch.  For further information please or

DEALING WITH DEPRESSION Monday 7th November 7.30pm. Carrigaline  Community Centre. Dr Ivan Watson, a former GP turned pastor will guide us through this common struggle with reflections and information from science and spirituality. All welcome Tea and coffee served at the end with opportunity for public and private questions.Organised by Carrigaline Baptist Church.

COELIAC SUPPORT GROUP. Tuesday 8th November at 8pm in the SMA Centre, Wilton, Cork. All Welcome. (€5 entrance fee).Topic:  Christmas themed evening (a bring and taste) with questions and   answers how to get through the festive season plus dietician in attendance.


1st Nov            Remembering Service 7:30pm St Mary’s

2nd Nov        Monkstown Home Group 8pm Warren-Perry’s home.

7th Nov         Toddlers plus One 10am

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

18-20th Nov    Mother’s Union Weekend. Celtic Ross Hotel

25th Nov         CAMEO. Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. 1030am

30th Nov         Advent Talks : ‘Faith’  8pm  Parish Hall

3rd/4th Dec    St Mary’s School Christmas Fayre in GAA Hall

7th Dec    Advent Talks : ‘Hope’  8pm  Parish Hall

10th/11th Dec  The Road to Bethlehem, Live Crib, St Mary’s Church

14th Dec      Advent Talks : ‘Love’  8pm  Parish Hall

18th Dec           Service of 9 Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s

24th Dec          Carols around the Crib Service 4pm St Mary’s


Random Notes CCXII

Well done to everyone who is reading this in church and didn’t have to wait outside an hour for the service to start! You’ve successfully navigated the human convention of changing the clocks backwards in the autumn.

Daylight savings times is a fairly recent convention, Thunder Bay in Canada first adopted it in 1908, with European countries using it for some of the time during WW1.

Ireland and the UK share the same time zone and have since 1916. Prior to 1916, the time zone in Ireland was determined by the mean position of the Sun as measured at Dunsink Observatory. Sunrise in Dublin is 25 minutes later than in Greenwich near London. The rest of Ireland used Dublin mean time (Dunsink time). Belfast had its own timezone (23 minutes different from Greenwich), so catching a train between Dublin and Belfast required you to know which time zone your train company was using!

When the clocks changed on October 1, 1916, people in the UK changed their clocks by 1 hour while people in Ireland changed their clocks by only 35 minutes! This was a result of the Time (Ireland) Act of 1916. It didn’t however, change the time of sunrise and sunset, both of which happen later in Ireland than in the UK. Certainly I notice the difference in sunset, usually when watching tennis from Wimbledon and play gets suspended due to failing light. I have been known to bellow at the telly, “move Wimbledon to Cork and you could still be playing!”
Don’t forget that clocks will go forward in the spring: Sunday, March 26 in Europe (although, confusingly Sunday March 12 in those parts of North America that observe daylight savings).



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 2, 2016

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