Parish Notices Sunday 6th December 2015

The Rector writes ‘One of the marks of a caring community is how we react to need around us.  Carrigaline Union financially support many charities at home and abroad. We also keep some permanent Collection Bags at the back of each church for Simon Community, Penny Dinners and Cuanlee Women’s Refuge, all in Cork City. Next week the children of the Sunday School will have a Cake Sale in the Parish Hall after the 11am Service where they will sell cakes and the money raised will go to the local Family Support Unit. The Mothers’ Union will be collecting Cosmetic items for Cuanlee Refuge which can be brought along by their members at their Christmas Lunch on Tuesday.  On Thursday I was also talking with Caitriona Twomey in Penny Dinners and they are looking for new or good as new clothing for Men, Women and Children for their ‘Popup’ Shop to enable their clients to be able to pick something new to wear for this Festive Season. If you have anything in this line, just drop it into me in the Rectory and I will make sure it gets to them.’

Wednesdays in advent  Advent Bible Study continue at 8pm each Wednesday in the Parish Hall. This week Vivienne Sharpe will talk  about  ‘Judgement’ from a Biblical perspective,  followed by discussion and some light  refreshments. All welcome.

MOTHERS’ UNION CHRISTMAS LUNCH   This Tuesday, 8th  December at The Yacht Club in Crosshaven at 12.30. Please let Hilary Dring know if you would like to come. All welcome to join us.   As part of our response to the 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence we are collecting basic  toiletry items for Cuan Lee(Women’s Refuge), so if you can bring  anything with you to the lunch it would be great. Thank you.  List of  suggested items on MU notice board in the hall.

Nohoval Parish Church are hosting a fundraising concert on Wednesday 9th December at 8pm in aid of  their Organ Replacement.Polyphonics Barbershop will be singing. Tickets  are €15 including interval with seasonal refreshments.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CAKE SALE The children of the Sunday School are hosting a Cake Sale in the Parish Hall after the 11am Service next week (13th December) and all monies raised will go towards the local Family Support Unit who do such valuable work in our community. Please do bring along a cake for sale if you are a Baker or if you’re not, you can buy lots of delicious cakes after Church!


Confirmation Classes in the Rectory will be beginning on Saturday February 6th.  Please let the Rector know if you would like to be confirmed in 2016.


We plan to stage an Easter play this coming Spring. The short play is called “No Name in the Street”  and has a cast of 8 to 14 characters  depending on how many parts are doubled up. The parts are mostly female but with the possibility of male roles. This is an exciting venture for Carrigaline Union and we plan to hold auditions for the play shortly after Christmas.  So watch this space for details after Christmas! For further information contact Mary F. Murphy on 087-2780902 who will be directing the play.


7th Dec Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

8th Dec  Mother’s Union Christmas Lunch.  12.30 Crosshaven Yacht Club

9th Dec    Advent Bible Study ‘Judgement’  8pm Parish Hall

10th Dec Friendship Club 11am Rectory


16th Dec   Advent Bible Study ‘Death’   8pm Parish Hall

18th Dec   Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

20th Dec   Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

23rd Dec    Advent Bible Study ‘Hell’   8pm Parish Hall

24th Dec   Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church

Random Notes CLXXIV


Rectory 1


Amongst a collection of letters, letter-paper, and the like, preserved at Mount Rivers,  are a small number of  embossing address stamps, from one of which is taken the above impression, that of ‘The Rectory, Carrigaline, Co. Cork’.

A little relic of the handsome rectory on the Cork road, Carrigaline, built in 1876, to designs of William Henry Hill, the press appears to be quite modern, almost certainly no earlier than the 1960s, although it is possible, given the style of the lettering, etc…that the embossing plates date from an earlier time, perhaps later fitted to a replacement press.

The press was presented to the compiler of this note as a  little memento of the rectory, about the time that the house was sold on Wednesday, 23rd January, 1991; it is now no longer lived in, and serves as offices for a firm of solicitors.

The photograph was taken on Tuesday, 15th January, 1991, but eight daysbefore the house passed out of the ownership of the church.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 7, 2015

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