Parish Notices Sunday 6th January 2013
The Rector writes ‘ When I was the Vicar in Kilkenny, during that freezing snowbound spell we had , at 7.15 a.m. on Sunday 10th January 2010, I put on my snow-boots and made my way across to the Cathedral graveyard to prepare for the 8 a.m. Eucharist Service. I was on my own in the Cathedral as the Sexton had been given strict instructions not to take his life in his hands by driving into Kilkenny on the treacherous roads. Luckily the heating system was on a timer and while I was almost sure that nobody would turn up , I still prepared the Holy Table and robed in the Chapter room just in case. As I left the Chapter room, I automatically turned off the lights (being a good green person!) but then thought to myself that if someone did turn up, then at least if they saw the light in the chapter room they would know that I was there , so I put the light back on and waited in the Choir robing area (beside the radiator naturally!). Lo and behold, a banging on the back door. A snow covered stranger who along with her two friends hadn’t been able to get the front door of the Cathedral open and had assumed there was no service. They had just turned back towards the gate when they spotted the light flicking off and then on again in the Chapter room!.
The three women (a very appropriate number of visitors at Epiphany-tide!) were from Michigan and weren’t bothered at all by our little smattering of snow. They had driven all the way from the cliffs of Moher the day before! They turned out, all three of them, to be Lutheran Priests and we had a lovely chat as I showed them around the Cathedral after the service. They even took photos of me and of President Obama’s great, great, great Uncle’s tomb to bring back with them. I thought it was an encounter worth re-telling at this time of the year when we celebrate the light of the world drawing people from far off lands to come and worship before returning to their own countries again. You just never know who you will be asked to welcome…. ‘
SUNDAY SCHOOL From January 2013, as well as welcoming children from age 4 in Sunday School, we also encourage children from age 3 to join with the older children as long as one of the parents can accompany them. In this way, they will get used to Sunday School in an informal way and be completely ready to go ‘solo’ from age 4. Thank you to the dedicated Sunday School teachers for all the effort they put into helping our children learn about God. It is very much appreciated by us all.
TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB resume tomorrow Monday 7th January in the parish hall. Toddlers group from 10-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.
MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church. The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the Service. All Welcome.
JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.15pm each Thursday night. (resumes Thursday 10 January) All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.
ST JOHNS HOME GROUP meets at fortnightly intervals. The group is using the Crossway Bible Guide “Discovering Luke’s Gospel” by Simon Jones (1999), Leicester and is available to purchase at €6. The next meeting will be in the New Year. Date and location to be decided.
Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions for 2013 are now due. Please give payment of €20 to Wardens or Rowland Newenham.
Parking in Carrigaline. Please be careful not to block the entrance to the Church when you are parking outside St Mary’s Church. Someone who finds it difficult to walk was unable to get into the Church Grounds a couple of weeks ago. If parking is tight on Church Road, please do come around to the Rectory and park as there is plenty of room in the Rectory garden.
A walking group meets on a Monday morning at 11am in the car park opposite the Bosun in Monkstown. It is open to everyone and for all levels of fitness. The emphasis is on fun and friendship. Further details by contacting Sandra Mc Loughlin on 087 1315393 or
The Theological Book Circle met on Wednesday 15th November to discuss the Philip Yancey book. All were agreed that it was a great book, easy to read but very profound and thought provoking. The new book chosen is ‘Christianity with Attitude’ by Giles Fraser (Canterbury Press Norwich 2007 ISBN 978-1-85311-782-4) and we meet at 8pm in the Rectory on Thursday 31st January to discuss. All welcome.
EAPPI Don’t forget to pray for Kate Cargin as she experiences day to day life as an Ecumenical Accompanier in the West Bank. You can find out more about Kate in Palestine by going to her blog site at We will get a chance to meet her in person when she comes to speak to us at our services on February 17th 2013.
Allotments For Rent-Join Carrigaline Allotment Group at Thompson’s Farm, Aghamartha, (near Carrigaline, on the Fountainstown Road). Grow your own veg and fruit, enjoy the exercise, half and full plots available. Call or text 087 7090899 to arrange a viewing.
Wanted: A temporary part-time childminder. Hours vary each week due to shift work. Possibly 7-9am max 2 days a week. 13.50 till latest 20.30 max 2 days a week. If shifts fall on a weekend may be no work that week. If any child sick on a work day may need collection from school or minded for school hours. Mainly afternoons are Tuesday to Thursday. 3 children in infant room and 1 in sixth class. Driving essential. Contact no. 0834208090
Jan 7th– Toddlers plus one and Monday Club resume
Jan 9th– Holy Communion at 1030am in St Mary’s Church.
Jan 10th- Junior Choir resumes at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.
Jan 13th- Evensong. St John’s Monkstown 7pm.
Jan 31st- Theological Book Circle. The Rectory at 8pm
2013 dates for your diary
March 1st World Day of Prayer at 8pm in St Mary’s.
May 17th –19th Pentecost Flower Festival in St Mary’s Church with the theme ‘Fruits of the Spirit.’