Parish Notices Sunday 7th May 2017
Congratulations to Katie Daunt and Sonia Daunt who are being confirmed this morning. We will keep them in our prayers as they continue in their journey of faith’
PARISH Fête Don’t forget that our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up in a couple of weeks! Saturday 27th May from 10am until 2pm in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. Check out your attic and your garage and give Eddie Pierce a shout! … and put the date in your diary too! See you there……
YOUTH NEWS The Diocesan Youth Officer Kristin Hollowell is running an “Event Combating Homelessness in Cork City” next Sunday, May 14th in Cork City which was such a great success last year. The purpose of it is to help young people find ways to help the homeless in their community. Starting with a Service in St. Anne’s at 10:30am, throughout the afternoon we will visit and help at Penny Dinners, make care packages to give to Simon Community and discuss what we can do in our own communities to help those in the need. There will also be the opportunity to ring the famous Shandon Bells! Ask Peter Coughlan or Tracey Pierce about consent forms.
Summer Holiday Club 17th –21st July. Application forms now available in the Parish Office.
GARDEN FÊTE Cobh & Glanmire Parish-at St Mary’s Church, Church Hill, Glanmire on Saturday 6th May at 2.30 p.m. All welcome.
GALA CONCERT to be held at Sacred Heart Church Monkstown on Saturday the 13th May next. at 8pm, featuring CARA O’SULLIVAN and others.)Tickets are €15 each, from : Mark Elmes 085/7880333 John Cunningham 086/2551321. Mamie Bowen 087/7444212. Funds raised will go towards the enormous legal expenses accumulated by C.H.A.S.E. in their appeal against the proposed INCINERATOR in the Harbour area.
8th May Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
11th May Friendship Club 11am Rectory
14th May Ecumenical Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods
Sunday Club 11am Parish Hall
Youth Day Trip to Cork ‘Combating Homelessness’
20th May Mothers’ Union Diocesan Service 2pm St Mary’s
26th May CAMEO 10:30am Sailing Club Monkstown
27th May Parish Fête 10am – 2pm St Mary’s School
17th –21st July Holiday Club ‘Champions!’ Canon McCrea Hall
Random Notes No. CCXXX
Sunday the 9th of April, 2017 was Palm Sunday. Choral Evensong was arranged for 7pm in St John’s Church, Monkstown and the choir were to sing the anthem “The Fathers Love” by Simon Lole. As this piece has five sharps in it, I arrived early at the Church for a practice. By 5.30, I decided to go outside to enjoy a cigarette.
It was a beautiful calm, warm April evening. Not a breath of wind. The harbour was like a mirror. The gardens in St John’s are lovingly maintained with each shrub and plant telling its own story. There was a strong, sweet aroma from one of the flowering shrubs and I sat on the grass, looking out to Monkstown bay.
The wood pigeons were cooing “take TWO scones wont you, take TWO”; tennis balls were bouncing on courts in the background; children were playing in the park; someone was mowing their lawn; and a small fishing boat was gently “put-puting” out to sea.
As the choir began to arrive for practice, it seemed almost immoral to venture indoors. But we did, and merrily chatted as we donned our red and white choir robes for service. The slow, gentle church bell tolled in the background with the warm tones of the organ filling the already heady, sweet evening atmosphere.
Sometimes we need to just stop.
That evening I felt like a spectator and wondered about the lives and loves of generations before me, in Monkstown.
Are they spectators too?