Parish Notices Sunday 8th September 2013
The Rector writes ‘Each year, on the 2nd Sunday of September, the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) remember the theme of Racial Justice. It is 50 years since Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s monumental ‘I have a dream’ speech (given on 28 August 1963) which spoke about all God’s people living in freedom and peace in a world governed by truth and justice. Dr King’s dream centred on a society built on justice, equality and freedom for all God’s people which was rooted in scripture, so it is every appropriate that Racial Justice Sunday is honouring Dr King this year. We will be using some of the resources at our 7pm Saturday Night Service next week in St Mary’s Church. Don’t forget that there will be no service in St Mary’s next week as it is a United Service of Confirmation at 11am in St John’s Church Monkstown. We, as a parish community, will gather with the Bishop as Aaron, Alexander, Ali, Christina, Daniel, Michael and Robbie request the help of the Holy Spirit to be with them as they continue to be part of the church of Christ on earth’
ORDINATION SERVICE- The Revd David White will be ordained Priest in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral at 11.30am next Saturday 14th September. He will be Curate-Assistant in the Bandon Union of Parishes. Please remember that everyone is welcome to come to the Ordination Service as we warmly welcome David to the diocese.
Confirmation Service will take place at 11am on Sunday 15th September in St John’s Church Monkstown. As parking in the churchyard is limited, please do park either down the hill , in the car park beside the Monk Inn or the car park at the Seawall and walk up to the church so as to leave the closest parking for those who find it difficult to walk. Thank you.
MOTHERS’ UNION NEWS- We will have our opening service at 8pm on Wednesday, 18th September at St. Mary’s Church in Carrigaline, followed by a short AGM and a time of fellowship and tea. There will be a collection for the Mothers’ Union Relief Fund and there will be an opportunity to buy Christmas cards, other cards and calendars etc., the proceeds of which go towards Mothers’ Union work round the world. We would love to welcome new members and would like you to know that everyone of any age is welcome to join us, not just mothers!! Please also make a note of our Annual Women’s Conference which takes place this year from 22nd-24th November in Garryvoe Hotel. It is always a relaxing, inspiring, fun weekend and really worth attending. Further information and booking forms are available from Hilary. If you need any further information please contact either the parish office or talk to Hilary Dring at 021-4378439/086-3680513.
St. Mary’s indoor bowls club has re-opened. Meeting each Tuesday at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087 6100717 or Henry Forbes 087 2035000.
MAKING THE MOST OF THE YEARS. A 6-Week Parenting Course coming up in the autumn on the following dates – all Mondays – at 8pm at St. Mary’s Parish Hall (next to the church)30th Sept, 7th & 14th October, 4th, 11th & 18th November. Booking forms available at the back of the church or via email. Contact Hilary Dring at 086-3680513 or or St. Mary’s Parish Office 4374045.
THE SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION PROJECT this September is offering nine short courses in areas of Health and Wellbeing, most at No Charge. Amongst others, topics include Managing Stress, Effective Communication for Better Relationships and Grief, Loss and Change. For info call 021-4666180 and speak with Geraldine or Liam.
SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICE next Saturday 14th September will have a Racial Justice theme. All are welcome to come along at 7pm to St Mary’s Church and to the Church Hall afterwards for sausages.
Sept 9th Toddlers plus one Group 10am St Mary’s Parish Hall
Sept 14th Saturday Sausage service 7pm St Mary’s Church.
Sept 15th Parish Confirmation Service St John’s 11am
Sept 29th United Service : Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am
United Healing Service St John’s 7pm
Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall. 7.30pm
Oct 13th St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am
The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.
St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm
The Revd John Ardis preaching
Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night, 6pm St Mary’s Parish Hall
Nov 16th Parish Quiet Day. Details nearer the time.
Nov 24th Annual Gift Day in the Rectory.
Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church
Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church
Random Notes
Carrigaline Union of Parishes has recently become an Affiliate member of the RSCM Ireland (Royal School of Church Music, Ireland). The mission statement of RSCM Ireland is “ promote excellence in church music on the island of Ireland..”. The RSCM works internationally, but much of the important work of training and encouraging takes place locally and is organised by the two area committees in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The affiliation is great news for both Monkstown Chamber Choir and Carrigaline Union Junior Choir. Events are held around Ireland whereby affiliated members are encouraged to join in training, learning and fun events such as an “Instant Evensong” recently held at St Bartholomew’s Church by David O’Shea. The programme provided simple, accessible resources and proved extremely popular.
Discounts are available to affiliated members who buy music online quoting their membership details.
Perhaps the most advantageous element of being members is by participating in the RSCM “Voice for Life” scheme. The programme encourages members of all ages to progress their enjoyment, Christian knowledge, musical ability of church music through achievable rewards in terms of medals and certificates. Another important element is the section about “choir as part of community”. The grades start at light blue, progress to dark blue, yellow, bronze etc leading to an eventual gold standard. The RSCM produce an annual booklet entitled “Sunday by Sunday” which includes hymn suggestions and other music for the church year on a weekly basis. This publication will also be invaluable to our Church musicians!
The RSCM Ireland co-ordinator is Mark Bowyer and he will be visiting the Union next Thursday week , 19th September at 8pm where he will talk to Monkstown Chamber Choir in St John’s. Parishioners are welcome to come and join us and see what Mark has to say, or indeed present any questions you may have.