Pew Sheet – 2nd August 2020
The Rector writes ‘ I mentioned last week that the Organists and myself were meeting up by Zoom. The fruits of this meeting will be apparent today when we get to the intercessions as we will be humming the prayerful response (slightly different in each church but colour coding should help stop any confusion!). I know humming is not as good as singing our hymns but for now it will get us responding in a kind of melodic way (… I hope!).
Last week I also spoke about how we needed to tighten up on the way we were exiting the church in St Mary’s (which has greater numbers at 11am on Sundays). Unfortunately we still haven’t gotten it quite right so today our Health & Safety Officer, Richard Dring, is going to help show us the safest way to leave, row by row. While this might seem like overkill, we can’t cut corners in how we comply with the COVID-19 restrictions.
The Lead Response Group, a subgroup of the Select Vestry, are constantly debriefing and recalibrating our processes to ensure that we are taking no chances with our safety in this Pandemic. I am so very grateful that we are back in Church and it would be awful if we made a slip-up now that meant we had to again close our churches for worship. So please do keep alert to the very real dangers that face us and follow the gentle lead given by Richard and the Church Wardens. Thank you.’

Music notes 2/8/2020
Hymns for today at St. Mary’s, Carrigaline are:
Opening hymn:
646 Glorious things of thee are spoken
Hymn of the Gradual:
545 Sing of Eve and sing of Adam
Closing hymn:
365 Praise to the Lord
Our hymn of the Gradual today was written by Herbert O’Driscoll, set to a tune from ‘Christian Lyre’ a hymnal compiled in 1830-1831 by Joshua Leavitt.
Herbert O’Driscoll was born in Cork in 1928 and educated at Midleton College. He then went on to Trinity College Dublin to train for the Anglican ministry. He served as priest briefly in Monkstown Dublin and then emigrated to Canada where he served in Ottawa, Alberta and finally as Dean of Christ Church cathedral in Vancouver, British Columbia until 1982.
He was a noted preacher and writer often referencing the Celtic spirituality of Ireland notably in the book ‘A Doorway in Time’. The melody is from a collection of songs and hymns from the early nineteenth century, a time when congregational singing was being developed. The melody is the ‘Ode to Joy’ by Beethoven who was born 250 years ago in 1770.
Another famous classical composer, Joseph Haydn, is responsible for the melody of our first hymn which is also well known as the Austrian national anthem.
As a first step back to congregational singing at the prayers today in St Mary’s Church we will be revisiting our psalm tune, which we will hum in response to each prayer – all will be revealed on Sunday!
087 228 5965
From the Rector… I met Herbie O’Driscoll myself years ago in the Theological College and I was very impressed by him. I know he is much loved by many people here in Cork. Bébhinn would love to hear from anyone who has met Herbie or indeed has a story about Herbie, just give her a shout.
Some of you may remember a couple of years back we sang a beautiful Hymn/Carol Herbie had just written about Refugees? I dug it out of my files to show to Bébhinn and I decided to include it in this Pew Sheet as unfortunately even though it isn’t seasonal, awful situations throughout the world still force people to flee from their homes. It bears re-reading, even in August.
Herbert O’Driscoll. 2017
Jesus, babe of Bethlehem’s manger,
Helpless in your newborn hour,
Born in days of death and danger,
Herod’s hatred, Roman power;
We who watch as countless children
Daily die in cruel ways,
Trapped in endless human conflicts;
Help us not to turn our gaze.
Orphaned child in Old Aleppo,
Wand’ring in its shattered streets,
Lead her to some sheltering haven
Where with care and love she meets.
Freezing child in stormy tossed waters,
Watching all as others drown;
Newborn child of the Rohinga
Crying in a burning town.
Jesus whom we know as loving,
Lord of all things good and true;
Show us that when children suffer
Serving them is serving you.
Jesus, Prince of Peace in glory,
Guide us that our wars may cease.
Help us change our human story.
Grant us wisdom, bring us peace.
Random Notes CCCLI
With many of us holidaying at home this year, it is worthwhile suggesting a visit to the Skibbereen Heritage Centre in West Cork. The genealogy section is excellent, and all sorts of records are held there. Not just census records, but loan records, tithe records as well as school and tenant records. The heritage centre is housed in the old Gas Works building on the banks of the river Ilen. Some of the local graveyards have been extensively surveyed, and these include Caheragh, Drimoleague, Drinagh, Creagh, Kilcoe and Aughadown.

The Cork, Bandon and South Coast railway ran from Cork to Baltimore.
It passed through Skibbereen, and closed on the 31st March 1961.
A further light rail system, in its heyday, ran from Skibbereen to Schull and was known locally as “the Tram”.
We are all familiar with the Viaduct just beyond Bishopstown, but there are other lovely viaducts en route, including two near Halfway. Look out for them next time you are speeding along in the car! There is something nostalgic about our old railways, and the centre has a fascinating section on this. Closer to home, the Southlink road traces the route of the railway from the city out to Curraheen, and the Black Ash car park is where the trains used to offload their used coal.